Hello chickens it's been awhile so I thought I'd just update everyone on whats been going on with me (not that anyone cares this is more for me in the future) So,, 1. I've just started year 11, I'm doing 4 atar, 1 general subject and 1 certificate and oml the workload for the atar subjects are pretty excessive lemme tell you geez... 2. During the summer holidays I started dating someone (yay I'm not forever alone),, his name is Clay and he's so sweet and handsome and just aghh.. Pretty much none of my closer friends really like him though cause before we started dating he hit me like once,, but don't worry, he hasn't hit me or even come close to raising his hand at me since, and I know that he regrets ever doing such a thing. I'm safe with him and he's honestly one of the only people I can really trust right now. I've been seeing him for a few months now so yey.. 3. During the summer holidays I went through kind of an awakening I guess you could say,, though awakening just sounds so cringy and ew. But basically I've become so much closer with a few of my friends, and really just realized who my real friends are and who's gonna be sticking with me for the long-haul. For life I would hope, if not for life then at least a really long time. And ye I'm just really happy right now. 4. (Last but not least) I really want to start writing Amelia and Ivy's story again, I've missed their beauty tbh what smol beautiful beans. You guys don't even know the full extent yet but they are fully realised characters each with their own unique personality and quirks so yeah, expect more of them in the future hopefully. Keep pestering me for updates cause I really need the motivation cause I'm always forgetting but yeah, I guess that's it for now.. See ya guys !
And yeah uno those friends you're talking about? All but one dramatically left and honestly, you're better off without them due to their inevitable toxicity lmaooo
Yeah Julian there's a reason none of your friends liked him !! Listen to them more next time xoxo