Hey yall How yall doing? Im just checkin in :) im sadly still alive im just more quiet Anywayss did yall notuce that when its a Sports romance book i just put them in "good smut" I dont have a list for them so i just put them there soo.....if the smut is not toe curling and sheet gripping im so sorry (Sport romanace be having the best smut tho)

@TheWalnutTree I thank the heavens i could read that and yes.....keep the smut coming...I need it T-T

@melanin_weeb and maze runner that’s crazy because that’s my favourite movie/s and it’s totally unfair because I never got to do mazerunner

@melanin_weeb Gooood I’m so happy because if I am going to hell for my sins I may as write some real heavy smut. ILL SAVE YOU IM COMING but I know how it feels not enough hours in the day but you got this!