
Hey so like to all my followers. I don't use this very much or at all so if you'd like to see what I've been up to please follow me on TikTok @ spawnofsatanreal or Twitter @ bross82782907. Thank you for your support on here and I hope to see you on my new platforms. Farewell Wattpad, thank you for the good memories and long friendships.


Hey so like to all my followers. I don't use this very much or at all so if you'd like to see what I've been up to please follow me on TikTok @ spawnofsatanreal or Twitter @ bross82782907. Thank you for your support on here and I hope to see you on my new platforms. Farewell Wattpad, thank you for the good memories and long friendships.


          @Swirlycinnablast do you have Mali's acc cause i havent been on here in so long and she changes her user so muchhhh


@TherealSheriffMaoMao The path that I am walking
            Leads astray
            And the mead I'm drinking takes
            Me nowhere
            Spirit and heart lost in time
            Who am I now?
            When the fire inside burns into nothingness
            And your hammer-wielding fails you
            Remember the ancient tales of almighty warriors
            Stay true to your steel and search within
            Have faith in the gods believe that you are the one
            Come take my hand
            And I'll show you the way
            Come join our fight
            And you'll never walk alone
            When we believe we are but one we come together
            We sail the seas we're touching ground
            We fight whenever
            One day will come when all is done, no more endeavors
            Until that day we all stand tall and fight forever
            I hear the thunder, I see a strike
            The gods are watching us tonight
            I'm not alone, I hear your call
            I see the light
            Come take my hand
            And I'll show you the way
            Come join our fight
            And you'll never walk alone
            When we believe we are but one we come together
            We sail the seas we're touching ground
            We fight whenever
            One day will come when all is done, no more endeavors
            Until that day we all stand tall and fight forever
            When we believe we are but one we come together
            We sail the seas we're touching ground
            We fight whenever
            One day will come when all is done, no more endeavors
            Until that day we all stand tall and fight forever
            When we believe we are but one we come together
            We sail the seas we're touching ground
            We fight whenever
            One day will come when all is done, no more endeavors
            Until that day we all stand tall and fight forever


this message may be offensive
Hi everyone!!! After quiet a long break I've decided I might try using this platform again. I also wanted to make sure you are all doing well, if you weren't aware, yesterday a case know as Roe vs. Wade was overturned in the United States. This protected women and people with uteruses to have a safe birth and make choices they need. But now, with it gone they cannot. Women are forced to keep a child, even if they were r@p3d. They cannot abort the child, and are forced to hold it even if their life is in danger. This is "to save the children", bullshit. The children won't want to hear that they came from someone who r@p3d their mother, they don't want to hear that they werent wanted. Some people aren't even financially stable to hold a child in their lives!! And on top of that, trans people and nonbinaries cannot be who they want anymore. Since these politicians "succeeded" with this, they plan to attack the rights of LGBTQ+ people next. Same sex marriages won't be allowed, same sex relationships won't be allowed, and if they make it officers and government officials can go out and round up the LGBTQ community like a which hunt. Many states have trigger laws which allowed them to ban abortion and such IMMEDIATELY after the overturning. THIS IS NOT OKAY. As a nonbinary who is able to have children, I'm furious. I have spent most of my life being seen as who I want to be, and now it is all being thrown away. Other people in my life are scared, I'm genuinely terrified to live in this country anymore. But we cannot let them win. Please, spread the word, tell everyone you know. Whether you live in the US or not. Fight for us. Fight for your freedom. Boycott what you can, especially on the 4th of July. We will make our voices heard and stop this bull crap. And make sure you stay safe, check in on loved ones and tell them they aren't alone. We will all stand up and fight for everyone. We can do this. Stay strong and stay safe. 
          Much love,