Thank you for accepting! \(~o~)/ I don't really know what I'm doing BUT one thing I know, i love writing as much as learning ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ
Reading Lists
Hello, @pepsi_panda @callmeAshu @UnitingTheUnique @tearsforfears11 @solacing This is an apology to everyone. I love writing and reading; I really do. It is my little form of escape. And when I found Wattpad, I was ecstatic. I mean, it was everything to me. I can read, write, and get feedback on my stories so quickly and the people on here are amazing and so polite and considerate to everyone. It is my paradise. But the thing is. Lately, I rarely get to come on here. Things have been so busy and hectic and crazy that I don't have much time to do anything. I don't talk about this because, lol, I get the same reaction from everybody, and a lot of people ask some awkward questions, but I live in a family of seventeen; twelve sisters and five brothers. And many of them are married so added to that is twenty-four nieces and nephews. And I love it. There is never a dull moment and the holidays are the absolute best times of the year. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But, as you probably will guess, I really never have "free" time. I am also a private tutor for my down syndrome little sister and that takes up a lot of time. And the last thing to top the plate is that my Grandmother, who lives in California, is dying and well that just tipped the scale. Now things are crazier than ever and ... And I can't be on Wattpad anymore. I am going to have to leave. And I don't want to, but I have no choice. I will be moving to California for an indefinite period to take care of my Grandmother and continue tutoring my little sister, so I guess this is Goodbye. Well, SAYONARA!!!!! I will miss you all and Wattpad :)
I would like to give a proper apology and thank you to: @pepsi_panda Thank you for being the first reader of my book and giving to amazing comments. You pushed me on. @callmeAshu Thank you for being a great companion. I enjoyed the time talking with you. @UnitingTheUnique Keep going with your story:) I love it, and I am so sorry I can't be your critic anymore:( And Thank you for your support and the time given to talk to me. I had a lot of fun. @tearsforfears11 I hope you can write that Disney story. :) And I am sorry I won't be here to read it. @solacing Thank you for your feedback on my story:) It was so nice to read that. And I am sorry I can't read the rest of your book. (It is going to be #1 on Trending, I know it) And to everyone else: I am sorry I was unable to finish critiquing your work. Well, SAYONARA!!!!! I will miss you all and Wattpad :)
Thank you for accepting! \(~o~)/ I don't really know what I'm doing BUT one thing I know, i love writing as much as learning ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ
Hello, @pepsi_panda @callmeAshu @UnitingTheUnique @tearsforfears11 @solacing This is an apology to everyone. I love writing and reading; I really do. It is my little form of escape. And when I found Wattpad, I was ecstatic. I mean, it was everything to me. I can read, write, and get feedback on my stories so quickly and the people on here are amazing and so polite and considerate to everyone. It is my paradise. But the thing is. Lately, I rarely get to come on here. Things have been so busy and hectic and crazy that I don't have much time to do anything. I don't talk about this because, lol, I get the same reaction from everybody, and a lot of people ask some awkward questions, but I live in a family of seventeen; twelve sisters and five brothers. And many of them are married so added to that is twenty-four nieces and nephews. And I love it. There is never a dull moment and the holidays are the absolute best times of the year. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But, as you probably will guess, I really never have "free" time. I am also a private tutor for my down syndrome little sister and that takes up a lot of time. And the last thing to top the plate is that my Grandmother, who lives in California, is dying and well that just tipped the scale. Now things are crazier than ever and ... And I can't be on Wattpad anymore. I am going to have to leave. And I don't want to, but I have no choice. I will be moving to California for an indefinite period to take care of my Grandmother and continue tutoring my little sister, so I guess this is Goodbye. Well, SAYONARA!!!!! I will miss you all and Wattpad :)
I would like to give a proper apology and thank you to: @pepsi_panda Thank you for being the first reader of my book and giving to amazing comments. You pushed me on. @callmeAshu Thank you for being a great companion. I enjoyed the time talking with you. @UnitingTheUnique Keep going with your story:) I love it, and I am so sorry I can't be your critic anymore:( And Thank you for your support and the time given to talk to me. I had a lot of fun. @tearsforfears11 I hope you can write that Disney story. :) And I am sorry I won't be here to read it. @solacing Thank you for your feedback on my story:) It was so nice to read that. And I am sorry I can't read the rest of your book. (It is going to be #1 on Trending, I know it) And to everyone else: I am sorry I was unable to finish critiquing your work. Well, SAYONARA!!!!! I will miss you all and Wattpad :)
I'M BACK ON WATTPAD:) So to all who are reading this, I, for a very long time, had left Wattpad and have not been active on it at all. I know that is really bad to do especially if your trying to get your book going but it kinda has been a tough couple of months. I had found out at the beginning of the month that one of my close friends had been diagnosed with leukemia, and he has been struggling with that for a very long time but thankfully he is making a slow but sure recovery. Then three months after, one of my cousins, who is only three, also gets leukemia and it was just heart-rending. Things are still uncertain for him but that hopefully he is as lucky as my friend and makes a good recovery. Now, my grandmother is not doing well either and the whole family has been caught up in taking care of her. So yeah, pretty crazy here but slowly things are calming down and I am finding myself with extra time to get back on Wattpad. So hopefully, I can get my story going again and start reading more on here.
IMPORTANT UPDATE!!!!!!! Hey, so I messed up again. And I am really sorry. From my amazing critics, btw thank you all, I realize I am leaving too much mystery in it and not giving the reader's any hint as to what is going on. So I am going to go back and try to fix it up but that again will be a major plot point you can't miss. So my question is, should I just notify people that things have changed and tell them what changed or should I send excerpts of the parts that have been changed? I am not entirely sure how I should do this. Do you have any suggestions?
I'M SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( So I was supposed to get the next chapter done today but I got this cold. And its so weird but no good ideas are coming to me. I didn't think a cold could affect me that much. Anyway, I am still going to try to get this chapter up tonight but I don't know if it is going to happen. Just thought I'd let you know:) Ingrid Palmore
IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! PLEASE READ!!!!!!! Hey, Um so I made some major updates to chapter one that actually affect the plot a lot. I do apologize because I know I should have been more careful but ... well the story wasn't taken seriously at the start and I just did it for fun until now. So, you can re-read Chapter One, or what I suggest, you can go to my latest update which has the changes made. Again, I am so sorry and will try to be more careful in the future. Ingrid Palmore
ROFL OK, so I am laughing pretty hard right now. My book has reached the top 1k of fantasy books which is pretty super but that's not the best part. I am #666 in fantasy. That is a definite sign if I have ever seen one. But again this is all thanks you amazing people out there. Thank you. I want to dedicate my chapters to you but there is just not enough chapters. I gonna have to start writing faster. But I promise all of you will get your dedications.
PLEASE READ THIS!!! I HAVE A GIFT TO OFFER!!!! Hello, My book is something I am very proud of. And, this is the first time I have ever been proud of my work. I actually feel that my writing isn't horrible. But none of that I can claim as the product of my work. Rather, it is because of all the amazing people who have taken time out of their day to look at it. So I have decided to give something back to all of whom have helped me in some way. Be it by a very constructive critique or a huge confidence booster. Below is a list of all the people who have helped in the progress of my story by offering some AMAZING critiques. @Vintaginity @SnowandSilverArrows @aclockworkangel @calmingfire @Rawiya13 @minusfractions @relent @HidingCalypso @Alicia19M @sohostyxles @cheekychi All of you have been so amazing and wonderful, I want to give something back for all you have done for me. Just, I am not sure what. I will offer anything. Reads, Comments, Reviews, Critiques. Absolutely anything that would in someway payback everything you have done for me. So please, reply to this conversation if you need or want anything at any time. I will be more than willing to payback your unforgettable and unmeasurable work. All my thanks, Ingrid Palmore
Aw, this is so sweet. You honestly don't need to do a thing for me in return. I'd be overjoyed if you left some feedback on my story, but nothing could top the feeling of knowing I really helped you out. :) xx
CHAPTER FOUR IS FINISHED!!!!!!!! Hey, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! No, seriously, the person who is reading this right now. You, Yes you. The one who is so amazing and special. Thank you so much. It is because of you that my story is up on Wattpad right not. It is because of you that there are four chapters up. It is because of you that gives me the drive to keep on going. I would never be here it wasn't for you. So thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you a million times over and over again. All you first followers, who have helped me on my story, who have commented and given me critiques and suggestions, or have given me the drive to persevere, you are all getting a dedication in my story. Now I only have four chapters up, so could only do four dedications but as each one goes up, another will be added in dedication. I will never be able to thank you enough.
Heya Everyone:) So I finished two chapters!!!! (which is really big for me, usually I don't have the discipline to write one) It was pretty hard to write, but then again shouldn't it be? So if you were interested in my story previously, you can check it out.
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