Have you guys been having these problems too? When I’m trying to write a story, the keyboard doesn’t go down like it’s supposed to and it ends up blocking the paragraphs.
@TheresaMoyers Hi there, it's been a while, so how's everything been going for you lately, oh and I just thought of some ideas for the through a fury's heart, would you like to hear them?
Have you guys been having these problems too? When I’m trying to write a story, the keyboard doesn’t go down like it’s supposed to and it ends up blocking the paragraphs.
@TheresaMoyers Hi there, it's been a while, so how's everything been going for you lately, oh and I just thought of some ideas for the through a fury's heart, would you like to hear them?
Yes my name is Scarlett from MysticWolfves. I mostly play on USA east wild plains. But you can also find me on the savanna. What’s your name in Wildcraft?