
More of Trent and Valery, pulling at the heartstrings: “You once told me that you loved me too much to let something or someone take me from you.” He pauses to take a deep breath, stroking her hair gently. “It was just after you rescued me, remember? You fought enough for both of us. Even when I tried to kill you. Babe, whatever is going on, I need you to remember that strength. That bravery. Fight this!” He rummages the ring out of his pocket, returning it to her finger. “I will fight this. I don’t know how yet… God knows what they did to you.” He buries his face into her shoulder, letting his tears fall, unseen. “I won’t let it end like this.”


More of Trent and Valery, pulling at the heartstrings: “You once told me that you loved me too much to let something or someone take me from you.” He pauses to take a deep breath, stroking her hair gently. “It was just after you rescued me, remember? You fought enough for both of us. Even when I tried to kill you. Babe, whatever is going on, I need you to remember that strength. That bravery. Fight this!” He rummages the ring out of his pocket, returning it to her finger. “I will fight this. I don’t know how yet… God knows what they did to you.” He buries his face into her shoulder, letting his tears fall, unseen. “I won’t let it end like this.”


There is nothing like that unconditional support: “Hey, hey, easy.” Trent grabs her around her waist and hauls her away from the wreckage. “I’m all for physically lashing out, it's better to get it out on inanimate objects, but that’s only when you can heal. We can’t be running out down here with broken bones” He grabs her by her arms and looks deep into her eyes, speaking calmly and slowly. “I need you to breathe, what’s done is done. We need to get out of here first. And then I will willingly plow my first into whomever you want me to, ok?”


I absolutely love this piece of work tonight, I'm going to share a golden snippet. (I love Matt XD):          “Knock knock, I’m here as promised,” Matt calls. “SLACKER! Get out here and get your lunch before I gobble down two meals.” 
          “Don’t worry about it,” Valery tells him, placing her hand on the door nob. She hesitates, “I’m going to come out.” I think. I’m going to try. I think I can. 
          A long pause from Matt. “Did my ears deceive me? Is our dear recluse coming out of the shell?” His voice is full of barely concealed excitement. Valery rolls her eyes.
          If I leave this room for Matty, he’s not going to let it go, tease everyone for all eternity. Valery takes a deep, steadying breath. Oh well, stop stalling, peel off the bandaid. 
          “I need you to gather the council. Get them all in the council room.”
          “On it like a caffeinated squirrel!” Matt calls as he scrambles down the hall, “Hot sauce, coming out!” She hears Matt call. Valery winces and facepalms herself.


I'm getting excited! Guardians: Protectors of Light is almost fully uploaded, I have about 7 more chapters to go so I'm prepping to slide right into book 2: New World. SO MUCH MORE DRAMA AWAITS. You won't have to wait long to see what happens to Valery ;)


Changed my cover (I know, I know, again ‍♀️) but I spent about 6 hours making 4 covers that flow, and I THINK I have it   let me know what you thing 


@Theresa_Stormy Yeah, the color was a big concern I had, I want one specific color and design along all 4 books so it glows well. But getting 1 same color on 4 different covers is difficult to say the least  I might change up fonts or something so it fits between the fire a bit better 


@Theresa_Stormy I love it! I like the details in it, like the fire in her hands and the embers around her. I would advise though that you consider changing the colour of the title and your name on it as it easily blends with the picture and can be hard to pick out. 


Hi, I love your book's description and also I am happy that I have found someone else who fancy's angels and Demons I got your book from the tag: angels vs demons
          Would you please check out my book camp immortals? And please comment anything you want about it. Thanks 


Thanks for following me 


@Daimonmaster Hi, thank you so much for the interest, prepare yourself for a wild ride  I try to return the favor of all who read and follow. I leave all sorts of comments when I read, no worries there  it may take some time to get there though so just be patient  I'm a mom, a teacher, and have a side business on top of it all. But you won't be forgotten, I promise 