
Happy New Years to everyone! Since I won't be actively posting here much, I thought I'd leave you all with a farewell to 2017 and well wishes for 2018. If I ever decide to write on wattpad again, it'll have to be a few years when I'm not so busy with school, haha.


2018 sucked ass


Happy New Years to everyone! Since I won't be actively posting here much, I thought I'd leave you all with a farewell to 2017 and well wishes for 2018. If I ever decide to write on wattpad again, it'll have to be a few years when I'm not so busy with school, haha.


2018 sucked ass


He Lies Within the Sea finally comes to an end! I'm sorry for delaying each update and such, but it's hard to write such when you have no motivation. I'm no longer writing fanfic on here, so if you're new, feel free to check out the two fics I have. If you've already read them, feel free to read them again or read something else. Happy Holidays, and I wish you all the best!


Ahh I really hate postponing this as much as I am, but my goal is to finish He Lies Within the Sea before 2017 ends. I plan on making the next chapter the last chapter (and perhaps the longest, depending). I may or may not give and epilogue after.


should be around end of december when I update, however