So I’ve arranged the people I’ve dated based on the treats I’ve made them.
Number one we got brownie guy. He didn’t stand out much, didn’t give much effort, but he listens to arctic monkeys. 4/10.
Number two we got pizza. I actually never made treats for him but that’s what we ate on our first date. He licked my hand and smushed it against my face as he kept trying to make out with me. Also he was one of those gamers trying to call me kitten. No. First and last date I ever went in with him. It was an online relationship that sadly lasted five whole months. 2/10.
Number three we got a different brownie recipe. He actually wasn’t bad, things went well for a while, he was sweet, good to his mom, my best friend (who is a transfer student) lives with him so I got to see both at the same time, he’s polite and respectful, the only complaint I have is when he asked to have an open friends with benefits after he told me he saw a future together. 6/10 for how he is, 0/10 for asking that stupid question.
Alright lastly we got the current chocolate chip cookies and macaroons. This one is the current one and is actually really sweet. He’s the type that drops his coat on your head when you both run in the rain giggling and sits on the bus with you while you kiss, laughing, and is literally his dog in human form (which is a compliment). He’s the type to distract you from your schoolwork while you’re trying to study yet also make you study at the same time and it makes no sense. I’m going to give him a 10/10 for the time being, the only complaint I have is that he’s not able to go anywhere right now since he just had surgery. Oh, also, he bites. I’ll never get that but apparently it’s normal lmao