
Hello, Gumdrops!!
          	It's been a long time, huh? 
          	I thought as a treat to all my loyal (new and old) readers, I'd give you all a sneak peek......
          	Unfortunately, it's not about a 2nd Leo Valdez x Y/n book (Though I'm working on it!)
          	I am almost done with a Percy Jackson x Reader book, and based on your old feedback about chapter titles, I thought I'd share some of my favourites so far!
          	Ch. 3 {Percy} Step One: Wake Up, Step Two: Get Roasted.
          	Ch. 7 {Percy} How Not to Stalk a Girl (or Her Hellhound).
          	Ch. 10 {Percy} How to Die in Twelve Easy Obstacles.
          	Ch. 16 {(Y/n)} Ping-Pong Diplomacy.
          	Ch. 30 {Percy} Did Your Ass Just Save Us?
          	Ch. 33 {(Percy)} Say Yes to the Dress, Grover.
          	Ch. 35 {(Y/n)} Bra Companies, Call Me.
          	Ch. 39 {(Y/n)} Bertha: The Sentient Cadillac.
          	Ch. 42 {Percy} Cheetos, The Offering To The Gods.
          	Ch. 44 {Percy} Santa's Smell: Eau De Dead Fish.
          	I've been working really hard on this story. It's not finished yet, but I'm getting there, so keep an eye out!
          	Let me know if you would read this or are excited to!
          	Thanks, Gumdrops, I hope you enjoyed these,
          	Love you all!!!!


@Thesourgummyworm that sounds like such an amazing story! I cannot wait to read it!


          	  Thank you, that's so kind! I'm so happy someone's excited!


Hello, Gumdrops!!
          It's been a long time, huh? 
          I thought as a treat to all my loyal (new and old) readers, I'd give you all a sneak peek......
          Unfortunately, it's not about a 2nd Leo Valdez x Y/n book (Though I'm working on it!)
          I am almost done with a Percy Jackson x Reader book, and based on your old feedback about chapter titles, I thought I'd share some of my favourites so far!
          Ch. 3 {Percy} Step One: Wake Up, Step Two: Get Roasted.
          Ch. 7 {Percy} How Not to Stalk a Girl (or Her Hellhound).
          Ch. 10 {Percy} How to Die in Twelve Easy Obstacles.
          Ch. 16 {(Y/n)} Ping-Pong Diplomacy.
          Ch. 30 {Percy} Did Your Ass Just Save Us?
          Ch. 33 {(Percy)} Say Yes to the Dress, Grover.
          Ch. 35 {(Y/n)} Bra Companies, Call Me.
          Ch. 39 {(Y/n)} Bertha: The Sentient Cadillac.
          Ch. 42 {Percy} Cheetos, The Offering To The Gods.
          Ch. 44 {Percy} Santa's Smell: Eau De Dead Fish.
          I've been working really hard on this story. It's not finished yet, but I'm getting there, so keep an eye out!
          Let me know if you would read this or are excited to!
          Thanks, Gumdrops, I hope you enjoyed these,
          Love you all!!!!


@Thesourgummyworm that sounds like such an amazing story! I cannot wait to read it!


            Thank you, that's so kind! I'm so happy someone's excited!


HIII friendly reminder that you are awesome and appretiated just in case you needed to hear it : )


@idontknowy4 Awwwwww, that's so kind. You don't know how much that means to me right now. Thank you for being so fantastic! All the love <3 <3 <3 <3.
            - Thesourgummyworm.


          hi again, sorry to bother you.
          i was just wondering if you had any tips for making a likable/relatable villain character.
          i want my villain to be not exactly evil, but on the wrong side for the right reason.
          i already have a tragic backstory and all that jazz, but i would like some tips on how not to make them seem arrogant, but also make them seem like a powerful villain at the same time.
          like, for example, your villain lucas was a powerful villain and you did a very good job with the plot, but it's not exactly what i'm looking for for my story.
          the feelings i got in every scene with lucas was pure annoyance and rage (which means you did a great job) but for my story that's not what i want.
           i want my readers to look at my villain and think ''they could've done better, but i get where they're coming from.'' 
          but also think ''they're powerfull and ruthless.''
          so should they have a calm and calculated personality? or a reckless personality? or maybe somewhere in between?
          i already know their role, i just want to know how they should act in order to be a feared but also respected villain.
          thank you for your time and advice <3 


this message may be offensive
            Ha ha, that's a hard question!
            I'd say it depends on how I kill the character off.
            My biggest thing when I kill a character off is I want to show how it affects all the rest or my characters. 
            If killing off character A will absolutely destroy character B.....then I feel like God. Muh ha ha.
            If their relationship wasn't that important, I'm usually pretty indifferent about it, to be honest. 
            I ALWAYS feel a little bad regardless. Even if I'm feeling like God, I do still feel a bit bad. 
            Hope that helps! ;)
            Lots of love!!
            -Thesourgummyworm <3


            thank you <3 
            i will definitely use this. i have a few villains to write so this is very helpful.
            and i agree, luke is a very good example for this.
            also, kind of a weird question but, how do you feel when you kill a character? (you don't have to answer this, it's not very serious)
            specificaly a good character. someone who has a good character arc and a good role in the story.
            do you cackle like a witch and sit in your chair like it's a throne and you're a god?
            or do you break inside and hate yourself for being so cruel and feel the loss like it was real?
            because i alternate between both of these things XD
            i appretiate your advice very much <3
            i have also come up with a criminaly tragic death
            now imma go make my readers suffer immense emotional trauma ;)
            *insert evil hermes cackle*


@Thesourgummyworm  @idontknowy4
            OPTIONAL: My favourite thing to do with these villains is give them soft, quiet moments. Perhaps your villain gets the MAIN hero alone and walks over calmly to the hero, who asks why/if the villain knows the consequences/how the villain could be doing such a thing. The villain's gaze grows sad, and they calmly explain that they understand the implications and agree it's not the best method, but they HAVE to do it for a better world, etc.
            This kind of dynamics creates SO MUCH tension, complexity, and emotion in a story so that the readers understand the villains and where they are coming from.  
            I hope this helps you, and I wish you luck writing your new villain!
            Lots of love!!
            - Thesourgummyworm <3


          I know you haven't posted since October, but I would like to ask some writing advice:
          How should I keep a story as detailed as possible? 
          When I look at the beginning of my stories, each line is written with accurecy and definition. But when I start to ease more into the plot, the writing becomes more bland.
          Any suggestions? Thanks! :3


            Of course!! Glad I could help, Good luck!
            - Thesourgummyworm <3


@Thesourgummyworm TYSMM!!
            I used to just write from my mind, before switching to to writing out the WHOLE plot before.
            The problem with writing everything out already is that you don't have that much space for creativity, which is probably why my stories have been short now that I think of it.
            I LOVE your idea on bullet points; basically kind of like the plot, except much more free and flexible.
            Thank you so much for the advice!! <333


            TLDR: Write down bullet points before going in so your juices don't stop flowing and you don't stall. Write whatever scene you FEEL like writing, even out of order, so your energy and excitement stay up! And don't be afraid to have to go back and edit the "blander" parts or "too detailed" parts to make your book cohesive.
            Whew. That was a lot. But I hope it makes sense and helps you.
            Good luck, and lots of love!!
            - Thesourgummyworm <3


          i forgot to mention that there are two parts to my twins of apollo story. the first part is on my first account IdontknowK6
          so you would have to read that first (i forgot my password to that account and had to make a new one)
          tysm for your time.


dear, @Thesourgummyworm.
          i'm very inspired by your story, and wanted to say you are an awesome writer!
          the way you can put so many alluring mysteries in one story and it still make sense is *chefs kiss*
          your story sounds just like a real riordan book, you should be co-writing with him and you could definitely fix his mistakes with under-devoloped characters.
          heck, even your prophecy's are better than his!
          and i'm not even halfway through your story yet.
          i'm making a few of my own story's right now--they're no where near as good as your's--and i wanted a little advice if you're willing and your opinion on them, if that doesn't bother you.
          thank you so much for your awesome story and detailed writing.
          i also think it's the coolest thing ever that you interact with your readers so much.
          the way that you leave so much room for speculations in your story is very captivating.
          please feel free to give me any constructive critisisim, even if it might seem mean.
          as long as it's serves a purpose i beleive constructive critisisim is the best compliment.
          but your story doesn't need any :)
          with sincere love from, idontknowy4.
          all of my story's have traumatized main characters so if you're not comfortable with that i fully understand.
                      : ) 


            Hello Gumdrop!
            I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back to you, but I finally finished reading your Twins Of Apollo book (both parts) and I wanted to say first off, good job!
            Writing is hard, I should know, it took me a little over a year and some to finish my Leo × Reader book. 
            I love the way you integrate such sarcasm and wit into the banter between Aurora and Aelius (great names by the way.)
            I do have a few suggestions. (Feel free to ignore them, I have no idea what I'm doing, lol)
            1. Try breaking your dialogue and text apart.
            I've found that for most readers reading alot of text like this, that is just all one line is really difficult. To some people it may be overwhelming when you are faced with a wall of striaght text and no eye breaks. Dialogue and descriptions get mixed up and people tend to skim read.
            Instead, try something like this.
            Break up each line into smaller paragraphs based on what they're talking about/describing.
            If they are similar, keep them together. If you want dramatic emphasis or a line to really get noticed,
            make it a new line!
            2. My other tip is to separate your dialogue from the rest of your text. You write such great banter between the twins and the Stoll brothers, but it gets lost "when it's just in the middle of your paragraphs." Like this.
            Try the piece above, by making every dialogue sentence a new line.
            "This way, your readers eyes are drawn to the dialogue and it isn't lost."
            Other then that, I'm loving your story so far! These are just minor details, that come with alot of practice and discovering what you find most aesthetically pleasing. You're doing great, and I can't wait to continue reading. 
            (Also great freaking job on the prophecy! That was very well done!!)
            Lots of love, and good luck!
            - Thesourgummyworm <3


            your very welcome.
            and thts ok, take as long as you need. i hope everything works out for you.   : )


            Hi Gumdrop!
            Thabk you for all your kind commets and seeing the writer behind the story, lol <3. 
            I sure can! It may take me a while. I have a thing going on, but will do my best!
            Lots of love!
            - Thesourgummyworm <4


What would you say is to many words for one chapter 


            Hello Gumdrop! (Or anyone else that wanted to ask this)
            In theory, it's YOUR story, so it does not matter how long it is because, well, there aren't really any rules, lol.
            But I've found the sweet spot is somewhere in the 2000 words range. 
            My best advice is as follows: LISTEN UP, lol.
            Two thousand words is excellent, but do I always stick to that? Ha! Nope. 
            I believe that as long as the part tells what it is supposed to, then it doesn't matter how many words you have, as long as the point in the story (Or the background) has been proven or gotten across. 
            Don't feel like you HAVE to have a certain amount of words; I certainly don't count my words when I write; my chapters are NOT all equal lengths, lol. 
            In conclusion, write as many as you want (if that's not helpful, most of mine end up somewhere in the high 2000s), and don't worry about it. 
            Readers are opening your book because they WANT to read it, not cause they have to. If anything, if they see 3000+ words, they'll be excited!! Because they chose your book because they want to read it!
            So don't stress too much about how many words you have, as long as it gets the point across, and isn't a "ramble" then you're all good!
            I hope this helped. (I'm not sure how qualified I am to be giving advice lol, but there you go.)
            Love you lots, and good luck with your story!! 
            - Thesourgummyworm <3


I am writing a fic and trying to put in a background chapter but it feels like 2887 words is too long for one chapter so should I make it to


Hi Gumdrops!
          I have a small thing to ask of you (if any of you are interested of course <3)
          A friend of mine just began writing on Wattpad, he's won several writing contests and has had a few short stories published into physical books.
          It would mean the world to me (and him) if any of you wanted to check out his first story here in Wattpad, Wielder Of Fire and Ice.
          It's not PJO related, but it is a book about Magic, Murder, and Royal drama (mature)
          And I find it thrilling to read!
          So if any of you would like to check it out, please go look up,
          I greatly appreciate it, and as a bit of an incentive if you comment here that you read MELae001's book.......
          I might just publish the first few chapters of a new book PJO book I've been working on, (Percy × Y/n)..... 
          Thanks, love you all! <3 <3
          - Thesourgummyworm.


@Thesourgummyworm OFC!! Lol, my favourite sport is probably commenting XD 


            THANK YOU!!!!! 
            You're so sweet!
            (And thank you for all the fun comments, lol XD)
            Love ya!