AA: O)(, dear me. I apologize for t)(e late greeting, Miss. AA: Royal duty calls, after all. AA: My name is Cirlun Zep)(yr, and it is a pleasure to meet you.
TF: I vam van entertvainer vable to tvake on vany role needed to mvake vany va good performvance into va grvand performvance >>> TF: I'll be honored to come by vand vaudition if you'd like to test my skills, Empress. {@AlchemicAxolotl}
GG: Wha7 Serv1ces Do You Prov1de? GG: Your Adver71sements Have Been Remarkably Unclear. GG: Usually, 1 Would No7 Was7e my 71me W17h S7ock L1ke You, But 17 1s All 1n 7he Name Of 1ndulg1ng My Daugh7er. GG: Are You An En7er7a1ner Of Some Sor7? GG: Normally 1 Would Not Care For Such Grubl1ke Fr1vol171es 1n 7he Palace, But 1 have 7o Sat1sfy Her.
TF: Oh, Empress >>> TF: Though I hvaven't been told much, you hvave my (w)ord thvat I'll serve you (w)ithout hesitvation >>> { @AlchemicAxolotl }