Hi all this is an overdue needed update as I have been very much absent on here for quite some time and on some stories longer than 2021, 2016 I was diagnosed with a rare incurable illness IIH (idiopathic intracranial hypertension) basically spinal fluid collects in the head and causes pressure on the inside of the skull and optic nerves for an unknown reason. I’m 2016 I also was diagnosed with Lyme disease and this has led to now fibromyalgia, 2018 I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and in 2019 endometriosis, this altogether is what’s caused me to become so silent. Living with chronic debilitating illnesses is extremely hard and as the years have gone on the IIH has just gotten worse, it has GREATLY affected My ability to think, my cognitive as a whole, being completely exhausted ALL. THE. TIME which has hindered my creativity and made it extremely difficult for me to pick back up with writing. This has left me feeling very lost and incomplete, everything has made my mental health even worse and I’ve been really struggling with my health, I mourn who I was before becoming ill, I miss all the thing so used to do especially writing. Writing is something I have always been passionate about whether it was poems or fanfics and fanfics is something that’s always come so easy for me, now it’s been hard to sit and read over a story again and try to think okay what do I do next for this one? I have many that I have posted that I still need to finish, which is my top priority and others just sitting in the drafts that are next up to be worked on and start to get published. I am trying out some new supplements and I am really hoping that they will help me overall and spark me to be able to get back into writing because that’s all that I want right now, I thank all my followers for sticking around, and I’m hopeful I will get back to this.
@Thesweetestsin27 you poor thing! I almost lost my dad a year ago to a heart attack as well. I can very much relate to how you feel in that aspect. It's terrifying and I still worry about my dad a year later. I go through stages of depression as well. Some times I write constantly, then other times I just don't have it in me to even try to type it out. It takes a while to to come back from things. The important thing is, make sure you take care of you first. Lean on people for support if you need to. I'm always around if you ever want to chat
@uhavetobekiddingme Thank You so much! It has truly been one thing after another for me, including 2019 when I almost lost my husband to a heart attack which sent me into a deeper depression and started me on the journey of losing myself. I have posted updates on several stories and have new chapters in the drafts for said stories. I can't wait to keep on rolling them out for everyone.
@Thesweetestsin27 hey, take your time. Always put yourself first. Don't worry about writing. Sometimes that spark happens when you least expect it to. Sending positive vibes your way!