
I'm bored and I've been stuck having trouble thinking about what to write but craving desperately to express myself in the medium that is writing so I've decided to take requests from anyone and do my best to do it art included if you want a visual. Please I'm sorry tired of starting my Freddy vore story back up and then easing everything because I'm scared that it won't meet expectations I've already wrote the first 8 chapters and erased them 19 in a haf times now and just knowing what people want would greatly help me with it not feeling right and stop me from rewriting it over and over again.


I'm bored and I've been stuck having trouble thinking about what to write but craving desperately to express myself in the medium that is writing so I've decided to take requests from anyone and do my best to do it art included if you want a visual. Please I'm sorry tired of starting my Freddy vore story back up and then easing everything because I'm scared that it won't meet expectations I've already wrote the first 8 chapters and erased them 19 in a haf times now and just knowing what people want would greatly help me with it not feeling right and stop me from rewriting it over and over again.


Please tell me all of this is ironic


@slenderslimmjim no idea I just write randomly


Should I uploaded an update to one of my books?


@alexthedud thanks for the good advice I was worried that I gave the wrong expression with the more joke baced parts I was writing I wrote I watched way to many memes but thank you for having the patience to let me update 


@Thevoreoflegend2158 I luv it^^, ya did a good job


@alexthedud please tell me your thoughts when you're done reading them know it's not my best I'm pretty sleepy at the moment


Fore all who wanted an update for Freddy vore it is now out yay!!!!


@Thevoreoflegend2158 I wanna see a continuation of the story may we see part 6 of the story pwwweease *abime eyes*   


@Thevoreoflegend2158 it's okay I break one almost every week I'm very clumsy


@Thevoreoflegend2158 hooray also darn sorry about your tablet