@-HarryxPotter- Do it, now! -hisses- ~Voldemort
-drops something in the cauldron-
Bones of the father, unwillingly given. ~Wormtail
Flesh of the servent willingly sacrificed. -cuts my hand off and drops it to the cauldron-
Blood of the enemy forcibly taken. -walks up to Harry, cuts part open of his arm and has the knife covered in blood, take it and drops it on the cauldron- The dark lord shall rise again. ~Wormtail
-a flame bursts out of the Cauldron and Voldemort returns-
My wand Wormtail. ~Voldemort
-gives wand- ~Wormtail
Hold out your arm. ~Voldemort
Master. Thank you master.~Wormtail
The other arm Wormtail.
-Wormtail holds out his arm concerned and Voldemort summons the other deatheaters-
-deatheaters are all circled around. Voldemort looks at Cedric- Oh, such a handsome boy. ~Voldemort