
sheit, sorry


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
What is this feeling, when you write an email to Amnesty about Tibet?...
          Am I scared or wtf is happening?
          And especially when you have tried to pour your heart out in a second language and then it shows nothing when you send it...
          But seriously, the world needs more enlightenment on the situation in Tibet and we seriously need to take action. 
          Am I the only one, who sometimes randomly thinks about how fucked up the world is and how horrible humans and humanity is?... 'cuz daammnnn W are fucked up and fucking each other and the world up... It is really fudgeing depressing


Thanks for checking out "Candy Gram"! I hope you enjoyed it!!! ❤


@Olivaughn Your story was so amazing!! I loved every second of it! You are so talented, I hope you tell yourself that every day<3 It was so gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!
            So thank YOU<3<3<3
            (I'm sorry not for commenting, I am not feeling the best, so my brain is kinda turned off)
            I plan to start reading the rewrite tomorrow or something. I am so exited!!!!
            I love everything about the story
            You are so amazing<3<3


whyyy are you outside my window huh? 


@ahoyrvbin I know right? How did she get all the way to Australia?!?