
The first chapter of bad girls can't be good girls is now up! I hope you'll like it! 
          	Xoxo Siri


Hey my beautiful human beings!
          I know you're probably not interested in reading this but please try. 
          I'm going to be straight forward with you guys, I've been having pretty bad writers block when it comes to my book "Bad girls can't be good girls".
          So I am deleting the story in a couple weeks and I'll be putting up a new one! Still kind of the same story as this one, just with the one and only....
          SAMMY WILKINSON! Yay! 
          So I will still include the Omaha boys and magcon people since he hangs out with them haha. I just never figured out which one of the guys would suite  the "role", which gave kind of a lack of ideas. 
          but now I figured it out! And I am more excited than ever! 
          So I am making it my way! And my way only! 
          Have a awesome day on this planet earth and I'll hear from you! And I would love some feedback on my ideas too! Just hit me up! 
          Xoxo Siri