Depending on the end of this and the next few weeks, I may be forced to go on hiatus for the rest of the month/year.
My English class is starting to pick up, as you can imagine after writing 15+ pages of nonsense and reading ~70 pages of info you’ll forget within an hour over the course of a week would literally leave anybody feeling like a zombie. Atop of other classes I just can’t find the time to just sit down and write freely for even an hour. My schedule is just too tight to breathe through especially when I’m so unmotivated to complete an assignment I’d end wasting more ample time than required.
I almost regularly stay up until 6am making sure I’ve done enough for the day; go to bed, wake up in five or six hours and do it all over again. It’s gotten so bad I shīt you not when I opened this my brain flatlined and I instinctively started typing out the MLA format name/prof name/course/date until I reminded myself I wasn’t on Google docs.
I ??? This isn’t normal lol .
On the off chance I’m in the mood to write and have an hour to spare, my focus will only go towards my Tord/Reader or Genshin/Reader. The rest of my books will unfortunately go untouched for the time being. Until my English course dies down/is completed an update drought is gonna take over for a month or two.
I’m honestly really sorry. I tried writing chapters as normal during short breaks but I couldn’t get anything more than a sentence without stressing about other things. I really struggle enjoying the things I do when there’s a mountain of pages I have to write otherwise I risk fuçking up my future. :’
(It’s almost 5 at the time of posting this and I haven’t read this over if there’s any grammatical errors please cut me some slack.)