Hey guys, I'm alive. I've kind of fell off the face of the earth for several reasons..
1. I got locked out of my account. It logged me out because I was inactive and I couldn't remember my username/password/email to save the life of me. I joined when I was 14 for how is 18 year old Aerika suppose to figure out that bullcrap.
2. I needed a detox.
3. I started writing poetry so I could get stuff off my back in a way that wasn't so public (I have a cute little journal)
to answer some of your questions:
I'm going to try to finish My Neighbors a Bad Boy. WARNING: My writing is a complete 180 of what it was when I was 15 and I have matured greatly. I'm going to take my time re-reading it and cringing at the overly dramatic parts. And honey, they are there. I know its been 2-3 years since I wrote the hey yo I'm back but not really chapter and I'm a piece of shitttttt to have left it at the biggest cliff hanger of the entire book. But I will finish it. I PROMISE.
Anyways, I hope that covers most of the questions. Probably not, if not feel free to message me and ask some more. I will be more active on this account and I will be writing in my free time that isn't spent at my job..
Anyways, that was longer than all of the essays in my High School career combined.. If you read all of that bless your beautiful soul..
All my heart, Aerika.