Hi Things-2die-for!
I want to introduce you to Wèbnovel – a platform for authors and readers from all around the world. What sets us apart from others is our passion for storytelling and supporting writers through various writing competitions.
I truly believe in the power of creativity and writing, and I would like to extend an invitation to you to join the Wèbnovel community as a writer.
To stay connected with us, you can join our Discord group: https://discord.gg/6d7ymHZYVe or visit our websites: www.Wèbnovel.com or wsa.Wèbnovel.com
Hope to see you there and happy writing!
Best regards, (you can add and contact info here if desired)
Sorry to be a bother, but on Chapter 17 I keep changing it and adding on it but it won't save, so I'll try and have that up tomorrow sometime. I hope you all enjoy the changes I made and have a wonderful evening
Guys, please go back and re-read all of the chapters in my book 'Claimed by one, blessed by many.' I have cleared somethings up and changed quite a few things as well, so please do that.