
Recently I had dream which may come true one day
          	Me: I am sorry little ones but I have to go
          	Little Swan: But you Promises to keep going
          	Me: I know but the urge and pain became to much
          	Little Fluff: Please stay with us
          	Me: I wish I could but I cannot my time has come. Goodbye little sisters I will always watch over you tske care I love you
          	.......... After this I woke up with a massive headache
          	I may be a person of faith but for fucks sake I hate the universe and divine fate


Recently I had dream which may come true one day
          Me: I am sorry little ones but I have to go
          Little Swan: But you Promises to keep going
          Me: I know but the urge and pain became to much
          Little Fluff: Please stay with us
          Me: I wish I could but I cannot my time has come. Goodbye little sisters I will always watch over you tske care I love you
          .......... After this I woke up with a massive headache
          I may be a person of faith but for fucks sake I hate the universe and divine fate


Meine "ältere Schwester" hat zwei Kinder unterschiedlichen Alters beide Jungen. Sie gibt ihrem Jüngsten mehr Freiheit, während der Älteste immer Ärger bekommt. Wenn ich versuche, beide zu disziplinieren, werde ich genervt. Wenn es so wäre, würde man in ein Internat gehen und das andere in eine Militärschule.


If I see a shadow that is not my own when I'm the only one in the house what does ot mean? Don't say is a trick of the eyes this has happened several times in my time alove.


@_little_panda_ then I will continue to hibernate