So I've been thinking a lot about HWGA and I know it's at 1k reads and everything but I think I may be deleting it soon because I don't know if I want to continue it. That was the first book I ever written and it didn't really have a story I just was going with the flow and my writing was beyond sloppy. My new book which I have been updating every 2 or 3 days "It All Gets a Little Too Much" is published and it's pretty good in my opinion and I won't give up on that story since I know where it's going I have a plan that I've written on paper and I know how it's going to end and what's going to occur in between. However with HWGA I just didn't know anything, I didn't think of a solid plot when I began writing it. So any true readers I have that WANT me to bother to figure out a plot because you like it so far then please TELL ME!!!
Xox -This Little Owl