
I wanted to make two announcements to everyone. I took down Bought so that I could re-do it. Also I know many of you want me to update It's Complicated. I had the next 8 chapters written until my computer crashed so now I have to write everything over again and it's been hard to do with everything I've been dealing with. Thank you all for being very patient with me. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be updating it this month but I promise to update it soon. 


I wanted to make two announcements to everyone. I took down Bought so that I could re-do it. Also I know many of you want me to update It's Complicated. I had the next 8 chapters written until my computer crashed so now I have to write everything over again and it's been hard to do with everything I've been dealing with. Thank you all for being very patient with me. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be updating it this month but I promise to update it soon. 


Hello everyone, thank you for the messages. I'm very sorry for not updating. There have been some complications in my life, one of my family members passed away a while ago and there's been some drama but I will try my best to update soon. Thank you for the patience.