
Hello everyone. It has been a long time, hasn't it? I'm so very sorry to those who have been waiting so patiently for updates. A lot has happened in the last few years, both in my personal life and with the world itself. There were a few times when it seemed like I wasn't going to update and I had even lost my will to write all together. But, I thankfully had some very awesome people who helped me through that dark moment in my life. Beyond Legend is back and will be updated until it is finished. There will be new chapters every Tuesday and Friday. When the last chapter is published, I will then be talking about the future of Beyond Legend and what comes next for this story if you're interested. Thank you so much for reading. Take care of yourselves. 
          	Chapter 77:


Hello everyone. It has been a long time, hasn't it? I'm so very sorry to those who have been waiting so patiently for updates. A lot has happened in the last few years, both in my personal life and with the world itself. There were a few times when it seemed like I wasn't going to update and I had even lost my will to write all together. But, I thankfully had some very awesome people who helped me through that dark moment in my life. Beyond Legend is back and will be updated until it is finished. There will be new chapters every Tuesday and Friday. When the last chapter is published, I will then be talking about the future of Beyond Legend and what comes next for this story if you're interested. Thank you so much for reading. Take care of yourselves. 
          Chapter 77:


Hi, I was just asking if when you are going to update "beyond legend"? Its really a good book


@readerme33 Hi, thank you for asking. I'm happy to hear that you've been enjoying Beyond Legend. I don't have an exact date yet for when I'll be back, but I'm determined to finish Beyond Legend before the end of this year.


Hi there!
          Thanks so much for your interest in The Forgotten Centuar!  If you liked it, you might like my newer works (like WildWood! I would be thrilled if you looked at it!) because I'm a much better writer. It's also published on Amazon, so if you want the rest of the story, you gotta follow the link. Whatever you choose, though, I hope you enjoy it.
          Happy reading!
          K. Ramsuer


Hello guys, girls and everyone else. I hope that you've all been doing well. This is just a quick update to let you know that I will be returning with more updates for Beyond Legend and Water Heart soon. I also had a question that I wanted to ask. Before I started writing on Wattpad, I wrote fanfictions to practice with my writing and storytelling. I'm going back to edit and fix them up. I was wondering if anyone would be interested if I posted them here, or if I should just keep my fanfiction and original works separated?
          I've got a poll on my Twitter to see if anyone else likes the idea. If you want to vote, you can do that. :)
          Until next time, take care.
          Link to poll:


@OddOneOut1375 Thanks for the comment. That actually sounds like a good idea. I think I'll do that. I wrote for different fandoms of all kinds and genres. :)


@Thomas-LF can you create a second Wattpad account and post the fanfiction there? It would be nice to keep them seperated. I don't have twitter so I can't really vote, but I would love to read your fanfics. What are they about?


Hello guys, girls and everyone else. It's been a while. I have been around, but haven't been as active as I would have wanted. Firstly, I wanted to apologise to everyone who has been kept waiting for updates and new chapters. The past year has been a downer and it's really been difficult to get back into the saddle to write again. But, I'm determined to finish my stories for you all. I've noticed that there's been a lot of new readers coming along for the adventure in Beyond Legend. I wanted to thank you all for that. I will be updating the story again starting from next month, then after that, I will be working on more stories. I hope that you all enjoy what's coming next.
          I will be finishing Beyond Legend before moving onto other stories. However, I wanted to let you all know something cause I've mentioned before this was supposed to be the first in the series. While I will be keeping The Unbreakable Kingdom up for everyone to read, I will be re-writing the story of Beyond Legend. Looking back on it, I feel that it's not quite how I want it. The pieces are there, they just need some re-shuffling. I also feel the story is a bit slow in some places and the scale feels too small for what I was aiming for. I have a new way to tell Ailith's story, and I'm going to be hard at work on that while working on my other stories. For the time being, The Unbreakable Kingdom will stay up and be your introduction to the world. But, going forward, it will be more like a prototype for bigger and better things coming in the future. I hope that you understand.
          Thank you all for your time. I will be back with more chapters soon. Until next time, take care. :)


Hello guys, girls and everyone else. I hope that you have all been keeping well and staying safe. Firstly, I wanted to apologise to everyone who has been so incredibly patient with me waiting for new updates or news regarding my stories. I wanted to quickly let you all know when you can expect new chapters:
          -	I have posted a preview of Chapter 77 of Beyond Legend on my Patreon for everyone to see. Click on the link to see:
          -	Chapter 77 will be posted in full for Patreon on Thursday 11th. And will be released on Wattpad Thursday 18th.
          -	Water Heart Chapter 2 will be posted on Patreon on July 9th. Wattpad release will be on Thursday 16th.
          -	The plan after that will be me posting the first fifteen chapters of Beyond Legend Part 2 as a sample while I work on fixing and editing the first Beyond Legend story. Patreon release for chapter 1 will be on August 24th. Then the Wattpad release will be on August 31st.
          It was my hope to have new chapters to you all sooner, but things became overwhelming and it kept building until I felt like I couldn’t write anymore. It’s been a while since my last post, so a lot has happened since then. During this time, I have lost someone in the family to COVID19. Then there has been the protest going on in the world, highlighting the amount of injustice there is. If you, or someone you know is attending these protests, please remember to stay safe while letting your voice be heard. We shouldn’t stay silent to evil and brutality. There are certain people who think they can walk on top of others and call themselves superior. But, there is still hope. Many people who have started petitions and campaigns to support those in need of help. All of our voices together can make a difference. Black Lives Matter. Trans Lives Matter. And don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise.


@Thomas-LF well said.  Sorry it has been so tough  for you.  Ever forward..