Thanks for hearing it out
It’s about one or several guys, which number being anywhere from 1-10, who’s from a different reality to the HH/HB universe and in a far future. Like say several hundreds or thousands of years or a millennium from the timeline of HH/HB
Which the character(s) being seasoned and skilled elite veteran soldiers (and either peak human fitness or a sort of super soldiers) since their people (which is humanity) has for a long time faced a vast variety of hostile alien races and also a version of hell and demons that make the HH/HB ones look like regular, normal and even wholesome when in comparison. With maybe being similar or a similar level as the kind from DOOM or WH40K or Diablo for examples
And say during a mission with dealing with the hellish foe that they believe to be their end they got to HH/HB by a teleport type method by either advance science and tech or by a sort of space magic or a mix of both. They could appear in vivzeipop’s hell sometime before the pilot episodes of the shows by several weeks or months or even 1-3 years. Either still having their memories intact or parts of them are missing and will return in time and if more then one appear together in the same area or same ring but apart or separated in different rings
So while in hell they adapt and do what they can to survive. And work on their own as hired hitman and/or bodyguards (like Verosika or even any of the sins or someone else offered a job), eventually join IMP and/or appear infront of Charlie and/or Lucifer or Stolas. If either of the last ones the fathers tasked them to be their daughters protector(s) and with Charlie be the hotels security
Eventually they get involved with the shows events and plots but will learn the hellish foes from their home reality is also here and plan to open a rift to their much worst hell. Which if they do it will lead to a horrible fate for not just HH/HB hell but earth and heaven
So what do you think?