Yeah, there's no longer a "new plan" for The Last Engines Remastered. There will be changes to the story, but not a change in format that I had planned.
@ThomasStudios8 Also is the change to be how TCTOW is written, instead of journal form. I was thinking that because of when I saw you make small sceans on your community post about TLER.
@ThomasStudios8 Okay, I guess I'll give my thoughts on it. I don't like how Thomas and Oliver go missing right after they talk about what is going on. I also feel Percy, Toby and Duck would hve heard them being taken, unless they are really quiet. Beside that, it's a an okay au, the same as S:TANL.
@SuePodgorski it really isn't getting a rewrite, mostly some story changes. The biggest change will probably be when Tucker is writing the events down from.