You said you are going to leave the au fandom, but it seemed base on what I saw of you today and yesterday you like lots of the au's in this fandom, so why leave if like a few and more good ones like I'm Still Alive will later come out. I'm not trying to stop you from leaving, I'm just curious. Also sorry about your foot.
@Thomas_patrick1234 I used to have a Youtube account, but I signed out of it and couldn't sign back in. I could probably try to sign in again, but I don't feel like it or want to. I think my time having a Youtube account was cringy and I don't want to go back to having an account on there. I just want to have n account on here and fandom.
@SuePodgorski What I mean is that I'll still watch AU's, but I'M not making anymore AU's. Also, why don't you just talk to me through YouTube?