
Just letting you all know that I'm not dead. Just been busy for a while.


This is a reminder to not dress up as an indigenous person. Their culture, beliefs, and regalia ARE NOT some cheap costumes. By doing so, you are supporting the ongoing erasure of the first nations people. Not only in the US, but also Canada, Mexico, and the other indigenous peoples around the world. 
          They are not extinct, aliens, or fantasy. They are real. Real people who have had their land, people and culture stolen from them time, and time again. They're people were raped, tortured, and killed by colonizers. There kids forced to go to "residential" schools where nuns and priests cut their hair, and stripped them of their identities. Bodies were discovered at said schools in Canada, validating the stories they told the public.  
          They were here before us. Honor them. Don't erase them. 


I have a question for any of my readers that are Canadian (honestly don't know if I'm gonna regret this or not), 
          With everything that's come out in the last couple of months about the indigenous residential schools (concentration camps in some people's opinion), why are choosing to celebrate Canada Day. Why choose to celebrate a country/government that hurt the people who lived here before them?


@Thorin_Stormshadow Probably the same reason the American's celebrate a country/government that hurt the people that were there before them.


Because people are arseholes


Saw someone post this link to an Instagram post about to be an ally, and fight against the uprise in racism against Asians. If you're a decent person, give a look...
          Here's a post that post details about safety apps, if you need them: 

          C'mon people. We need to do better as a society....