
Finally getting around to starting my third round of edits for The Connector!
          	Once I'm satisfied with the storyline, I'll announce it here. This time it will be cross-posted between here and ao3.
          	Thank for all of your continued support and I'll update you all soon! I've been on a bit of a hiatus on here, but I'm slowly coming back as I finish writing the currently posted stories.


Finally getting around to starting my third round of edits for The Connector!
          Once I'm satisfied with the storyline, I'll announce it here. This time it will be cross-posted between here and ao3.
          Thank for all of your continued support and I'll update you all soon! I've been on a bit of a hiatus on here, but I'm slowly coming back as I finish writing the currently posted stories.


So I know I haven't posted anything new in awhile, but I have a question for y'all...
          If I started making Tiktoks for my projects, would you guys be interested?
          (Also, thank you to all 202 of you wonderful people!!!)


@ThorneKate alright! I followed you!


@Roymustang24 here is the username: kate.d.thorne


Nanowrimo kicks off on Monday! This year I'll be working on my very first original novel plus a new fanfic if I get through the planned 50k early.
          Honestly, this is the most prepared for ANY book yet and I can't wait to start!


@-jericho I'll send you the file once its done since I'll need a couple of beta readers


@ThorneKate omg so happy to read it when it comes out - if it does - and so happy to be on the nano journey with you kate!



Hey guys! @-jericho is 9 follows away from 1k, can you all help get him there?
          Check out his work because it is seriously perfect!


@-jericho you deserve it hun! Love you too!


@ThorneKate just got this notif. sobbing *hugs* I love you so much, Kate. 


So I'm toying with the idea of doing character interviews in my currently posted books while I try to get my crap together...
          Is this something that would interest you guys?


@ThorneKate ofcourse it's good to support my fellow writer :)


@IamSasuki03 thank you!!! That made my day!


@ThorneKate yes Ik I'm late but I love your books 


In the spirit of Author Transparency, I wanted to update you all on my behind-the-scenes process.
          With the difficult and labor-intensive process of changing sites, I was going through a bad patch of creative burnout due to all the stress. But I have taken the last two weeks to get my crap together and have organized my process. All of my current work has been put into a priority list so I can actually start to wrap up my currently posted books as well as some books that I had been working on but have yet to get posted.
          I have set up a discord server to better connect with you all in the future and to give you all a chance to provide feedback and to have some input on special chapters as well as polls for new books and extra content. This will be posted on my individual works as well because I don't think many people actually read these things...
          If you did, thank you! Here is the link for the discord: