
Check out these instagram links, though I’m sorry if you can’t.
          	RWBY has a new home you guys! Vol 10 hasn’t been greenlit yet but there’s definitely hope for the future of the show.


Banana pudding.


this message may be offensive
@Thorneblade Huh?! Oh fuck you!


I’m funny no?


Check out these instagram links, though I’m sorry if you can’t.


          RWBY has a new home you guys! Vol 10 hasn’t been greenlit yet but there’s definitely hope for the future of the show.


Hey my followers, yes it’s me I’m still alive and still writing. So I have some news about stuff in my stories and the future. So I’m still writing rwby fanfics, none of them have been axed. I’ve just been…a bit slow on writing them. The thing I’ve been telling you all about where I’d be busy for a long time is about to come to an end on the 16th (it’d be earlier but we have to make up 2 days we missed cuz of unforeseen circumstances I’m so mad about that) and then I’ll be free! For about 5 weeks before I go there again but this time it should last until December but then I’ll be working towards employment sorry . Anyways aside from all that, the rwby fanfics are going just fine, the Pokémon fanfics are still in the works and if you guys have ideas for episodes I’d be happy to hear your suggestions but keep them pg. I’m trying to uphold the integrity of the anime and canon storyline while making my own ideas, also I learned that there’s an anime expo this weekend and we may be getting an update about vol 10 and Rwby’s current status so let’s hope for the best! More seasons after vol 10, partners and owners we can trust and let’s keep Monty’s legacy alive! Well that’s all the news for now, I will keep writing and posting until these stories are finished and thanks to my readers both followers and non followers for sticking with me despite my seeming inaction. Thanks see you soon!


hey, what's up?


@NamasteWrye me too. I finally got to posting again after a long time. I feel bad for an unplanned hiatus like I do


@Thorneblade working on them, just being busy for it


@NamasteWrye yea it’s not the same! Anyways, any new story ideas cookin in your head


Hello my followers. The day of reckoning has finally come, RoosterTeeth has officially shut down. Today was the last day of the company and the website goes down on the 15th. But there is hope! I think that content from the site will go on their YouTube channel so that means the channel is staying up. Though it makes me wonder why they didn’t keep the stuff up on there to begin with but I’m not gonna touch that with a ten foot pole. Anyways, I know I was hurt by then news a couple months ago and I still am but, I feel fine right now. I will always be sad and hurt by what Warner bros. Took from us but…I’m not as messed up now as I was before so that’s a good thing. Anyways, RT is officially shut down, the site goes down on the 15th, the YouTube channel is still up and I think either this week or in the coming weeks we’re gonna get news about what’s happening to RWBY. also if anyone else knows where to watch the final season of RVB please tell me I wanna watch it!


@greatzane16 understandable, we’re all working hard. I know you’re gonna pass and do great!


@Thorneblade unfortunately I haven’t, I’ve been really busy trying to study and pass all my classes you know?


@greatzane16 sound alike you’ve been workin hard. I’m actually close to getting my first internship at a video production studio. I may not have time for stories in the future but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop. You check out any of the new chapters I made?


Hello my loyal and valuable followers, it’s your favorite author again. Yes I know it’s been a while and I apologize for that, past few months have really shaken up my mind as you’ve seen from previous posts and I’m so grateful a community like you has my back! Now I’ve been wondering this for a while cuz I’ve been feeling a little down about it but, I noticed that rosegarden and magic aura are super popular but Meta-Static isn’t. Now it might be because it’s too intense or not as comedic but then again I had a story in mind that was like that. Please give me some feedback on why you guys think it’s not so popular? For me, I think it’s because it put way too much thought into this and it became less fun compared to my other stories. When I planned this, I had so many rough drafts in my head I felt sick but then I made a storyline that had mystery, intrigue and a whole lot of plots in it. I’ve flushed the idea of the story out so much it’s crazy long and very intense and as a writer I feel good because I’m trying to practice telling stories in different styles and various ways but I’m still a beginner. So, I would appreciate it if you my fantabulous fans and readers would tell me, what it is that makes some of my stories popular and others not so popular. And please no negativity on here, my anxiety about rt and rwby have hurt me enough. Just be honest with me. Thank you! 


Hello my followers. I know I’ve been out of it for the past couple of weeks and I went on a hiatus. I’m feeling better and am writing again. Thanks for worrying though. I have written more of Meta-Static because the chapter I was working on was crazy long and I had to split it up a lot. I’m going to write more chapters and go back to weekly posts if I can, but the rest of this current chapter will be a mass release. I figured that would be a good thing given how I made it leave off. Prepare for an intense fight scene. Look forward to more stories and chapter updates in the future and thanks for following me.


Oh nice. I’m sure itll be great!


@Stormthefox86 yes dude. Hope it all goes well. I’ll probably have a new chapter come out by Friday


Absolutely! It may take a while but I did start my own fanfic so I’ll have to get back into eventually right? XD


Hey guys, I just saw this online on the rooster teeth website just now and I can’t believe someone made this. I wanna know how they set it up though, if you want sign it!


Hey guys, RoosterTeeth just did a live stream of them giving explanations about what’s happening in the company and everyone lets down their walls. If you want to see it, check out bumblebee in the rosegarden’s new chapter to see it. They give answers, have tender rmoments, guys: Geoff and Barbar CRY. Yang Xiaolong’s voice actor and Griff from RedvsBlue break down in tears and cry! You gotta see it’s so touching my heart melted. They’re gone April 29th, let’s hope RWBY is in good hands and the rest of the stuff.


Hey guys. So imma be real with you all for a minute. Some of you may have heard but the beloved company Rooster Teeth is shutting down soon. Currently Warner Bros. Released a statement saying that the company will be closing its doors and laying off dozens of people. I just don’t know how to process all of this. My heart is broken and you all know how much I love RT especially with all the rwby content I’ve made over the years alongside theirs. I don’t know what will happen to vol 10 or the final rvb season or even the next Camp Camp episodes but another era is coming to an end. First Ash leaving Pokemon and now RT will be gone forever. If anyone has any ideas to help them out like donation I’d love to hear it, until then all we have is #saverwby that I saw in a comment on the rt website. This is so distressful I almost had a panic attack today. I don’t think I’m gonna be able to post or update for a while until I start feeling better you guys. None of my projects are axed. I can promise you I will finish what I started and deliver but for now, I’m on hiatus. I just can’t…I just…with this news. I’m sorry, thx for following me, love you guys. See you in…I…I don’t know.


@Stormthefox86 I’ve been feeling better ecently but then I saw some news about rwby and my worries came back but I’ll be fine


@Stormthefox86 oh a fan like you is so nice I don’t deserve you. I’m feeling a little better and have gotten back into writing but a little at a time. If I hear more news about them I may go into shock