
@Charming_Avril Its cool that you care, but I doubt it'd actually happen for me..


@YourFavoriteLoner Well thank you so much for Adding my story

           to your reading list <3
          I am always here for any kind of help :)
          I read your bio and I just dont know what to say.
          Even though I write about socially awkwrd character. I dont want that it should happen with anyone in real life :/
          I wud b the happiest person when your name will chng from urfavloner to urfavperson :)


@xRadioRebelx none of my friends/family know I write anything... my family for the most part likes to think I cant even read or spell... Its easier to write it then tell someone.. she's definitely my favorite teacher, especially after that, I know one day when I was in english, I'm almost positive my teacher thought I was mute cause she asked a question and after people got it wrong and no one could figure it out I raised my hand, she looked so surprised, she stared at me a good minute before she kinda knocked out of it and called on me, but she also thinks I'm depressed and cries in the corner or something cause one day she had us all move to certain parts of the room and i sat in the corner, shes like "... I don't like the look on your face... come sit here" and she made me sit right in front of her...


@YourFavoriteLoner omgee. The same thought crosses my mind. I'm like ":o, someone likes my book? Yay!" :3 I get so happy. It's crazy. Wattpad is so different for me, and it's my private sanctuary, since none of my friends know about my writing. ^.^ I can answer lots of questions during class, yet I sure as heck get some odd looks thrown my way. I'm like whatever. I'm a volunteer. It's what I do, lol. XD Ppl sure do get annoyed by it though. -,- and lmao. If my teacher did that, I'd be like "My idol."   ;) :] I'm moderately shy. Depends on the situation. That's funny though. Your teacher seems fun. (:


@xRadioRebelx I know right? When people vote on my stories and stuff I'm just like "o.O they're actually reading (and enjoying) it?!" its crazy... When I'm at school I'm always like crazy quiet and then in math I'll actually answer the questions and stuff... no one ever sees it coming:] one time my... lets call him my friend... well he was trying to convince my teacher I was a bad student and she pretty much said (I'm simplifying it) no, you're wrong, gtfo and then she said I was one of her favorites, I'm just like >:D hehe you just got told...


@YourFavoriteLoner Yay! I'm glad you think so. And still, I love people who read my books. That's just too cool(: I KNOW RIGHT! I love math like a mad woman. If I could take math and only math, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I like using my brain. And yup, there's always those people, especially in class. It's annoying. :3 It's okay. I talk a lot myself. XD (: