(Part 2)
Then is acceptance. You might not want to, but it'll come. Accept all the goods, bads, opinions, perspectives, situations, how you deal/dealt with it or how you could've, but most importantly, that it's happened but a new chapter will eventually come. It's just that it's not been written yet. And that's okay. But remember, accept EVERYTHING. Cons will be most of your head, but the Pros are there too. It (all the Pros) might cause a complex but that's the challenge in healing as a whole. To acknowledge things that aren't Cons. And you CAN do it.
And finally, comes moving forward. If you recognise and have accepted good and bad, that makes it easier for you to move forward with life because the pain's over. You've accepted it and now you know how to work you way around current and future situations. You'll also know if you need a further step in healing and you'll be braver to face your demons.
You might not be okay. That doesn't mean you must force yourself. That also doesn't mean it's forever pain (haha see what i did here) and no happiness.
Nobody should be forcing you. But you shouldn't have to force yourself either. Rushing will only hurt you further, you know? When YOU are willing, you can do it.
It's okay to give up a couple of times in the middle. Because that's part of healing.
You're gonna be okay, bub.