I have to rant fucking big time. So this bitch posts statuses about hating scene music scene kids and shit and then bitches about people bullying her. I'm sorry but you stupid ignorant fucking cunt get it through your thick fucking skull that you aren't nor will you ever be better than anyone so shut your whore mouth. I'm usually nice about things like this but i've had enough of this bitches bullshit. she talks shit about me and then tries to play the stupid innocent game with I call her ass out on it. If you don't want people talking shit about one direction don't talk about other peoples music because it makes no sense to talk about someone having shitty music because they make a different genre than you enjoy and then bitch because someone calls your music shitty what goes around comes around bitch and I swear if I didn't have dreams of getting out of this town and making something of myself I would beat the fucking life out of your ignorant ass. And if I didn't think you'd report me for bullying i'd tag your ass right now but I know your pussy ass would because you cant fight your own battles you have to get someone to do it for you. And I dare you to let me hear you say one more goddamn thing about me I've dealt with your shit for 2 years now and i'm sick of being your fucking puppet and you wont manipulate me again I promise you that much. You're the first person I've ever had a deep, burning hatred for. you know who im talking to. Check yourself bitch because I have people who tell me things and I know you follow me too. I think you need to grow up and act a little bit more your age but I guess this is what you could expect from a middle schooler who likes to fake doing ecstasy and shows off being an atheist but one day all the sudden 'finds god' and one day be bisexual and the next day just 'get over it'. I've never known someone as ignorant and closed minded and to think I use to call someone like you my best friend. I'm disgusted with myself. Rant over