Heeeeeeyo! I apologize for another long absense :p but I finally got around to getting some free time and I think I'm gonna give Solar another shot and rewrite it! Stay tuned for that! @Catluver117 I apologize for the long wait on your request and I promise to get it done as soon as I can! Thanks to all! :)

Thank you so much! It means a lot to hear you say that :3 though I am trying to get around to your request, I promise.

Take your time! Don't stress yourself out about it, writing is meant to be fun! I can be patient, don't worry about me. Worry about yourself! Your life is more important than a writing request and I totally understand that stuff comes up, or you lose motivation, or you just get writer's block, or sometimes you just don't even feel like writing at all. Do what you're comfortable with! It's not like it'll kill me to wait. :3