
Hi all! I realize it's been a while since I popped in. I hope everyone is having a decent start to 2025 despite the current stressful political climate and tragedies that have occurred this month.  I cannot believe it's been ten years since I finished "Something Great" and five years since I started writing "Reverie". I've also realized it's been a while since I updated "Encino", even longer than it look for my previous update. I've been trying to keep my head afloat with some career decisions and an existential rut that's given me tons of writer's block. I have in the meantime been consuming a lot of media and I find myself slowly gaining more writing inspo. I hope 2025 can be a writing renaissance year for my writing and that I'll be able to deliver more updates. ✨


@yungjackson Thank you for your support!✨️


I need to go read Reverie and restart Encino! I’ve always been a fan of your writing since mjfiction days ❤️


Hi all! I realize it's been a while since I popped in. I hope everyone is having a decent start to 2025 despite the current stressful political climate and tragedies that have occurred this month.  I cannot believe it's been ten years since I finished "Something Great" and five years since I started writing "Reverie". I've also realized it's been a while since I updated "Encino", even longer than it look for my previous update. I've been trying to keep my head afloat with some career decisions and an existential rut that's given me tons of writer's block. I have in the meantime been consuming a lot of media and I find myself slowly gaining more writing inspo. I hope 2025 can be a writing renaissance year for my writing and that I'll be able to deliver more updates. ✨


@yungjackson Thank you for your support!✨️


I need to go read Reverie and restart Encino! I’ve always been a fan of your writing since mjfiction days ❤️


Some of you who have followed my account from the beginning, glanced at my reading list or even read "Something Great" may have realized that I was not just a big fan of MJ but also a fan of One Direction. It was probably embarrassing to admit at that time, but I stanned them hard in my late teen years and used this account to read fics about them and also interact with other 1D fans. Being a fan of 1D was some of the most exciting times of my teen years but after they went on "hiatus" and I became preoccupied with adult responsibilities, the band became a distant and fond memory. A week has passed and I am still trying to process the death of Liam. This celebrity death has hit me harder than others simply because I experienced the band's peak in real-time and their music had been such a source of joy that's still a tangible feeling at 28 years old. It can feel weird to experience grief for someone you never knew who also brought you so much happiness during a pivotal period of your life. Fame is a complex position that some of us may never experience and it's heartbreaking to think how someone can be so miserable while making people across the globe happy. When you're 18 years old and in love with a boyband, you can never fathom them breaking up, let alone the idea that one of them will tragically die far too young. You can never imagine that those carefree days will one day be attached to bittersweet memories. Every generation experiences the loss of an idol but it doesn't make it any less difficult for passionate fans. It's probably been years since many of us have thought of the band- we're now adults with jobs, bills to pay, S.Os, kids ect- but I just wanted to check in on anyone whose inner teenager is in mourning right now. It's perfectly normal, don't let anyone tell you it's wrong or parasocial. 
          My thoughts are with Liam's family, friends, his son Bear, and his brothers- Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry.  R.I.P Liam. I hope you can finally find peace❤️


Michael truly could not trust anyone, not even some of the people he considered to be like family. I hope there is a special place in hell for everyone who took advantage of his kindness and desire for normalcy. 


@ThrillerGal the dummies at the estate should’ve never paid them out. When will they learn


@prxttylxttleslxt They *allegedly* jumped on the accuser banwagon with Wafe and James back in 2019 and demanded money from the estate, threatening to  bring their allegations to the general public. The estate gave them shut-up money because they feared that the Casios coming out with their allegations would finish off Michael's legacy and made them sign an NDA that banned them from bringing the allegations to the public. Now they're demanding more money, and the estate is taking them to court. 


This is so sadding and surreal. Tito always had such an easy-going, sweet demeanor and was a dynamite guitarist. He is now renunited with Mike and Brandon. My thoughts are with Taj, Taryll, and T.J, The Jackson siblings and especially Kathrine. I can only imagine how painful it must feel to outlive yet another child.
          Rest in power, Tito.


I know you didn't like celebrating birthdays but I think you were far too modest to realize just how important the day you debuted on this earth is. You came here, an angel in disguise, and set the whole world ablaze with your passion and talents. Because you were authentically yourself, the world will never be the same. You brought joy to so many and brightened the lives of people whose faces you never saw and names you never knew. August 29th will always be a date that's near and dear to my heart because it is the day the world was gifted with you. 
          Happy heavenly birthday, Michael. Your light shines on forever.


@ThrillerGal Hey I absolutely love your books Encino and Reverie. They are both so good Reverie was the first book I read when I started to read MJ fan fictions.


@ThrillerGal Yeah they’re both really good. If you’re interested I have two books MJ fanfics I’m currently working on. Feel free to take a look 


@Justice47 Thank you so much! It always makes me feel so good to know that people enjoy me work! ❤️


I can't believe it's  really been 15 years since you left us, and the whole world seemed to stop. Michael,  your gift of love, light, and music lives on forever. I know you are somewhere in the cosmos, smiling down at us all. Love you forever,  Applehead. ✨️


@sidster20 He truly was ✨️


@ThrillerGal He was an angel.