Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it and Happy Hollidays to those who don’t! Im currently trying to figure out if I’ll be able to get all my published fics updated by the end of the month, if not I’ll try and get them updated January. I hope everyone has a good day :)

@angelasafa it’s completly fine really. I try to work on it but a mix of general life, the New Earth episode being a pain to write and me being distracted by my own original book series have been kicking my arse. I am working on the next chapter but I have no clue when the fic will update. Im glad your enjoying the series so far, thank you being so nice with your message and how you asked. It’s not a bother at all.

@ThroughTheMultiverse hey I am not trying to preasure you but i would like to know if you are going to update your doctor who story i really like the concept and would like to keep reading. PS sorry to bother