MY DEAR CHICAS EMERGENCY MESSAGE REPORT. Today I check my account and thank you for 20 followers guys ❤️ I LOVE YOU GUYS. But that not what I want to talk about. Today three of my stories have been deleted and someone had hacked my account. All the stories I wrote down, all the ideas, the draft and such and such have been deleted. I only have three left and now all of my word are gone I am so sorry for not posting for you guys but I am working on more stories for you guys and I hope you enjoy them in the future. I love you guys so so so much and I'll be off for a little while more and I will try and try to get Harry Hook updated Rachel is going through a hard time and needs space but I promise we will get to write for you guys. THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT, LOVE YOU GUYS AGAIN ❤️✌️

How did you improve your writing skills. I need to improve mine but I'm not sure how to do it. Any help would be fantastic.

I improved from help from my teachers and friends to help make my stories more detailed and more...since if that right. When I first started writing I was full of ideas and I just put them in a bunch and the story didn’t make since. I had so much ideas that I rushed to get to the best part of the story and I skipped all the important parts. My teachers put a writing lesson and they told me to take my time and go along with the story smoothly. Make the story interesting and put some action scenes or romance or cliff hangers. Find what the reader is looking for answer this question “Who the story for? What do they like.” So just take your time and plan before you start. Start with character and there personality, What do they like, what do they look like, what do they hate and all that stuff. And work on there back stories. Then start on how there journey begins and how it continues and ends. I really do hope my advice has helped you out. If you need anymore questions I am happy to answer and Happy New Year! Have a great year

Hello my dear followers I am back and sorry if you were hoping for me to post stories but I am on a writer block. I need some help from my dear fans to give me some new inspiration on making more stories for you to enjoy. Leave some suggestions down below and I’ll write whatever I can. Also I forgot but I already have two stories which are not completed but I would like to work on more so again please leave suggestions

You're really the real ThunderKathryn? If so then nice to meet you! If not then it's ok. I haven't read any of the books you've written yet but I'll get to it soon. It's good to know there are YouTubers who have their own hobby, other than Animating or playing games :D. I was a part of your website but then it changed. I'm glad you are getting better at what you do. I watch your videos all the time. It's even amazing still that you took most of your 9 years of life working on a movie. You're an amazing person Kathryn and I hope you appreciate all I've said :).I I'm also making an animated series. It's called The Wolf Legend :) I haven't gotten the lines yet, mostly for the fact that the characters aren't all made yet :3. I hope that when you have a chance, you could watch it someday.

I am very happy to know that one of ThunderKathryn fans are inspired to make there own animations I would be happy to watch your new animation but I am not the real ThunderKathryn I used to be her partner that work on animation with her for the movie Wolf Song and other things but now I wanted to focus on something I like to do which is writing. I am sorry if I wasn’t the person you were hoping for but I will send my regards to Kathryn for you


Hi i love your book please of you have any ideas for beginners. then sare with me thank you

Here some tips start on something small or a short story and when your ready try to come up with a story in your mind and write it down



Hello, my dear followers I am going to work on a new story that Kawaii_ChanForLife is going to fangirl about I am going to do a Zane fanfiction. hope you will like it when it first come out

@ThunderKathryn dude you know that she'll die of fangirldom if you do that, whys you does that.