Updates will now be once a week instead of whenever, Uni threw me head first into a pool of sharks, so I will be a lot busier and replies will be delayed. So much fun. In any case, thanks for your patience. updates will happen soon
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Updates will now be once a week instead of whenever, Uni threw me head first into a pool of sharks, so I will be a lot busier and replies will be delayed. So much fun. In any case, thanks for your patience. updates will happen soon
Updates will now be once a week instead of whenever, Uni threw me head first into a pool of sharks, so I will be a lot busier and replies will be delayed. So much fun. In any case, thanks for your patience. updates will happen soon
Life did not go the way I hoped for if you could not tell by the lack of an update lol, but definitely tomorrow, I promise. Love y'all <3
@ ThunderStrike455 I dont know what is happening to you but i defently can understand you. I hope you have the people that ypu need around you.❤️
hey guys, sorry for being slow for the next chapter, I've been super busy with life, but it should come out in two days if everything goes as planned. Thanks for being patient with me <3
@ThunderStrike455 storm, we don't care how long it takes, sure it's nice to get one once a week but you don't need to do that.
Sorry guys, chapter delay on the Silver x Reader for today. I had a totally great and not crappy thing happen to me that is definitely not causing my anxiety to explode as I stress cry. Updates tomorrow <3
@ThunderStrike455 ok here’s a hug for you to make you feel less stressed *Hugs*
Heyo, you only got a few hours to answer this before I publish the next part for the Silver x Reader - but I am giving you two options for chapter 14. Option 1: Keep it steamy, with suggestions but nothing too vivid. Option 2: Go all out gal
@ThunderStrike455 I think that I Will take the number 2. If we were to do this, were going to do it rigth. (Sorry if you dont understanme, I am a spanish speaker)
Shadow x reader coming out soon >:3
I love your profile picture
@TeamtripleS thanks, it's been a while but it's nice to be back. And I hope you keep enjoying them <3
@ThunderStrike455 I didn't think you would respond plus I'm a really big fan of your sonic fanfictions
esh, I don't know if I can do it sorry guys. I started but its not going too well, once again, I've lost passion for it. It started well but it crashed and burned lol. I don't know if I can finish what I have barley even started, I'm so sorry. Maybe I will finish one of them but I doubt it. I am so sorry. The whole idea of doing this was to loosen me up on my writing but its somehow making me more stressed lol. I'm probs just burnt out or smth but it stinks XD Until next time... maybe <3
@ThunderStrike455 Hey it's okay if you wanna take a break from writing take a break. It's not really good to force yourself to write when you don't want too. You don't have to apologize for taking care of yourself.
I think its better to wait until you feel better personally, writing is already hard when you’re in a good headspace so adding on a loss of passion makes everything a lot harder <3 We all know you’re an incredible writer already, so we support you no matter what!
Okay, Imma do both because why not - but remember they are not going to be as insanely long as my previous stories but that does not mean I'm going to slack on them. I am just having fun with this and just wanna enjoy myself :)
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