Hello every one, it’s me that one VERY un reliable airy her that does nothing =w=
Anyway hope y’all staying safe and wash ur hand we all know how dirty our devices are.
So just to clear things up I have left the DDLC fandom although looking through the fanfics it was incredibly fun to do that and I want to make a new story.
Hopefully I’ll make till the 5 chap mark that I set my goal for. The latest story isn’t dropped yet but I just don’t know what direction to do with it. These just so many ideas I want to do with it.
But at last I can’t do it. Well on another note the new idea I’ll make will hopefully be good, I’m not that good of an author but since while I’m at it hopefully the story that I’m about to make slow burns aren’t that long (cuz I don’t like that) and the story doesn’t go to fast like the other stories I made.
I want room for character development, currently I’m still in the thinking of what to do between the line and the ending. I’ll try to make at least 1000 words per chap
(BTW the story is gonna be about a ghost and her future partner uwu)