this message may be offensive
Shoji : ok sero I'm gonna go see Fumikage
Sero : cool you need me to give yea a ride?
Shoji : Nah I can walk
*Two Hours Later*
Shoji : *calls sero* hey man I need a ride...
Sero : I asked you that before you left
Shoji : No we need a ride to the hospital, see me and fumikage were fucking, when he all of a sudden said his stomach stared hurting real bad!!
Sero : okay I'll be there...
*at the doctors*
Doctor : seems while you were engaging in sexual activity, you twisted up tokoyami inner organs around his abdominal area...
Shoji and tokoyami : 0///0 >////<
Sero : Damn!! How big is your fucking dick!?!??
Tokoyami : to big