
Okay I know a lot of You have been asking for an update on some stories, but look as an writer among many others, I hit writers block(or other case lack of motivation) and it kinda difficult to sail pass that block, but I am trying, so please be patient, I am trying to spare the time needed for the stories and to have spare time for My life, but I will get updates out, I apologize for the lack of updating, please forgive Me!


hiii sis <3


@Ghostie9000 nice to see another transgender, its an rough world, and Our community isn't really making things better for Us, I pray You had much better luck then most.


@Ghostie9000 Hello there!!, I see Your another fellow Trans?.


Okay I know a lot of You have been asking for an update on some stories, but look as an writer among many others, I hit writers block(or other case lack of motivation) and it kinda difficult to sail pass that block, but I am trying, so please be patient, I am trying to spare the time needed for the stories and to have spare time for My life, but I will get updates out, I apologize for the lack of updating, please forgive Me!


I like to apologize to all of You, I know some of You are waiting for Me to update some stories, and I promise You, I will update them all, I majorly apologize for the lack of updating, just beem hammered with life, and My own thoughts get clouded, I promise You, stuff will be updated!.


Hi there and nice stories you have and my favorite is the date a live one hey I was wondering when are realse the next chapter of the date a life?


@TerrySolis3 Actually been working on the next chapter, My mind has an bad habit of making a new story, without focusing on older ones, kinda have ADHE, so when I have an idea, I completely forget the old one, but don't You worry, I will update soon! :).