
Hey everyone! I’m alive! I’ve been inactive because I’m actually writing my own book! My own chaotic comical adventure with all my oc’s insanity put into not one, but two main characters in a fantasy world. It’s nearing 50,000 words and had me remembering this account. I used to write every Saturday morning something hilarious that went with the story on Rouge. Spent days after school writing anything and everything that came to mind. And I was really happy doing it, now I’m actually putting my thoughts into one plot, even if it’s messy, I’m so excited to continue it. But alas, I felt I needed to share my love of writing with all of you who came and read. Thank you for enjoying my past work, and if you’d like, look forward to my newly educated #grammarly book coming soon! :)


@ThyWorthyOne i cant wait. i'll make sure to read it :)


@OverLord_Venus69 Thank you! It’ll be epic, imagine taverns fights and enemies to lovers dynamics. Oh, and don’t forget out the dragons and the elven kingdoms too… hehe


@ThyWorthyOne nice to know your alive dude, can't wait to see what you come out with next




Hey everyone! I’m alive! I’ve been inactive because I’m actually writing my own book! My own chaotic comical adventure with all my oc’s insanity put into not one, but two main characters in a fantasy world. It’s nearing 50,000 words and had me remembering this account. I used to write every Saturday morning something hilarious that went with the story on Rouge. Spent days after school writing anything and everything that came to mind. And I was really happy doing it, now I’m actually putting my thoughts into one plot, even if it’s messy, I’m so excited to continue it. But alas, I felt I needed to share my love of writing with all of you who came and read. Thank you for enjoying my past work, and if you’d like, look forward to my newly educated #grammarly book coming soon! :)


@ThyWorthyOne i cant wait. i'll make sure to read it :)


@OverLord_Venus69 Thank you! It’ll be epic, imagine taverns fights and enemies to lovers dynamics. Oh, and don’t forget out the dragons and the elven kingdoms too… hehe


@ThyWorthyOne nice to know your alive dude, can't wait to see what you come out with next