You know its sad....
Everyday when I wake up I wonder...'is it safe to go... anywhere'. School, home, the park..ANYWHERE PERIOD!!
Just yesterday, when I was walking to the park with my 5 year old nicec and 4 year old nephew. We were told we couldn't go, because of countless calls reporting a mans dead body...on a children's playground.
A few weeks ago, I was walking to school (it's only a few blocks down the street from me) and my neighbor suddenly follows me. Everytime I stopped to turn around he was there giving me a weird and I still feel that he watches now and then. (And yes I told my Parents they took care of it, but I don't think good enough)
I feel as I go somewhere, there's death,violence, or something evil waiting for me. Calling my name. Telling me to get closer. And just end my life already or something. I can't even go outside for one second without knowing it's safe...when it's completely not!!