
Hi guys! I know.. I've been ghost for a couple of years, huh? Not to worry! I am back. It's just that the past few years have been hell for me... I lost a lot of people :( Family and friends. But I hope you can forgive me! And I promise that I will continue with my story :) 


Hi guys! I know.. I've been ghost for a couple of years, huh? Not to worry! I am back. It's just that the past few years have been hell for me... I lost a lot of people :( Family and friends. But I hope you can forgive me! And I promise that I will continue with my story :) 


Hi tia I love your story could you please update I will help with anything u need just plz keep updating 


@SuperBloodWolf I just did. Chapter 10 is out now 


@my_stique Chapter 10 is out now


Hello Tia, I really enjoyed reading your story "Possessive" and was shocked to find it unfinished after the 9th chapter. Your writing style is just wonderful, you're very talented and I would love to know how the story would end. Is there any chance you'll update it? I'd deeply appreciate it! So, thanks for the nice time I had reading it until now :-) 


@CorsiD Chapter 10 is up! :) 