I feel sad. My friend whom I have a crush on has chronic pain that can't be treated and pain medication only makes it worse. A few weeks ago she told our class that she was going to get treatment for her health problems (the rest of the class don't know the details of her health problems but I do since she told me) and there she told us that she will come back before the end of the school year. I sometimes text her and sometimes she can access her phone and answer. And I asked a few days ago whether she was feeling a bit better. And just now she answered 'Nein.' which translates to 'No.' I don't know why but I feel sad and bad that I can't do anything to help ease her pain it hurts in my heart to know that she is hurting and I can't do anything to help. It's always that way I feel bad and down when I meet someone who is hurting and I can't help them. I know I should mind my own business and focus on my own problems but I can't help but want to neglect myself just so someone else is feeling better.
Sorry for rambling...
... Have a good day or night
So I just got my school report (do you call it that?) my 'Halbjahres Zeugnis' as its called in German. So I got a lot of bad grades and the moment I saw it I just felt like crying but didn't allow myself not wanting anyone to pay attention to me. So I just feel like shit but since I'm not home yet I have to act like I'm okay before I can go hide in my room and cry.