
I was just wondering, since you guys are a key factor of what I write, I was wondering if you want to have the POV of someone else?
          	You know, like DANTE perhaps?
          	Just tell me what you think, you'd be surprised about how little you know about this mystery character. 
          	You all know he's rich, but not because he steals money, or hearts, he's rich for an entirely different reason.... 
          	But you may never know....
          	Just let me know what you think in any way possible, just let me know....
          	Time to unveil this mystery characters secrets!! 
          	Lots of love, Nightingale 


I was just wondering, since you guys are a key factor of what I write, I was wondering if you want to have the POV of someone else?
          You know, like DANTE perhaps?
          Just tell me what you think, you'd be surprised about how little you know about this mystery character. 
          You all know he's rich, but not because he steals money, or hearts, he's rich for an entirely different reason.... 
          But you may never know....
          Just let me know what you think in any way possible, just let me know....
          Time to unveil this mystery characters secrets!! 
          Lots of love, Nightingale 


Please comment if you understand, I'm really big on spreading the message that we live in a horrible race and no matter how hard we try, we can't save everyone....
          She tried and failed, over and over
          Again and again,
          She felt in herself that she wasn't worth it
          She thought she shouldn't exist
          So after taking one look at the endless horizon
          At the top of her apartment building,
          She leapt,
          And flew home...
          Thanks for your time 


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Love is a simple word but the physical reality of it is much more complex than what you are feeling. You can't beckon love towards you with a baby voice or loop a leash around its neck and tie it to a tree. Love comes at you when you don't expect it, and it arrives at full force, collapsing on top of you like an avalanche. It could suffocate you, or it could be one of the best feelings in the world. When the moment is right, that love won't flee once you get the strength to lift it up off you. Instead, it will remain in your hands forever and you will be able to carry it around and around. You will be able to show it off, but you won't want to. You'll value it too much, like the precious, dainty thing that it is because secretly you'll fear losing it again and being alone. Know this. Know that chances are, at the end of the day, you, and every other person who thinks they are in "love", really aren't, and you will never find the true person that fits you perfectly in the world, in every single way, who could return your love back to you without any faults. You all won't find that one special person because you all want to be in love and want it far too quickly for it to come naturally to you with someone else. So feel it collapse like an avalanche on you again. But this time, tell it to kindly f**k off, because I can assure you, what you feel toward them is not true love. It is something wicked, that wears Love's skin, like a coat. What you feel is lust...