
Are you talking about the "Day two" in the 7 nights with Mr. Black which is dedicated to me? It was because I'm an active reader of her books. But I don't see any special chapter given just to me as a bonus. So your text has confused me. I hope you be more clear about what you're asking for


@CherryyCarterrr  awwwwww okayyyy alright!! Can uh just tell me in short whatver uh read ?? No pressure though genuinely!! 


@TiaraGlitters28 now I get you bro! But here's the thing...I don't have the full chapter. I've already read that full chapter when she uploaded. Now it's edited and half the chapter removed due to explicit content. She posted it somewhere else where I cannot access it at all since I'm not on other platforms. Even though I couldn't access the full chapter now, I felt honoured to be given a full chapter by her only to me and 2 more and so I thanked her warmly. But I don't really mind the half chapter here because I had already read that fresh when it was uploaded. So I wish I could share it with you but on wattpad, even I have the half chapter right now. Just till 'he gulped...' or something like that


@CherryyCarterrr  no uh won a reward at chapter " beast is out" , she said she'll give the full chap to uh !!


Hiiiii !!! How are you after reading the current chp of pmtp ..l was so happy to read bout them after so long !!! Btw how old are u just curious?and are u from india


@chrislovesrya yess mee too..that legit made my dayyy !! I am 21 and yess also from India
            What about uhhh ? What age and where in India?? 




Yeahh Mee too !! I am alsoo doing good !! Just can't get my life together I am literally just reading novel all day around!! How do uh manage your life like even writing the books and all? 
            Also my frnds asked me to perform a dance !! I am not really confident on dancing on stage , in solo and duo...I have only one day to's on 14...should I do it or not embarrass myself !! 


@TiaraGlitters28 I am good. What about you? How is life?


@jinniechimmy  okayyyyy gurll !! Yeahh I will share it uhh, and howwww rr uhhhh ? 