
I said before that I am very busy and might not update all the time, and I am sorry to inform you that I will probably update even less now. This is because I now have a joint account with my friend, WolfAngel1847. If you are interested, it is called WilloNyan.


I said before that I am very busy and might not update all the time, and I am sorry to inform you that I will probably update even less now. This is because I now have a joint account with my friend, WolfAngel1847. If you are interested, it is called WilloNyan.


I probably won't be on Wattpad much anymore, if at all. I'm far more devoted to my Fanfiction account now. To anyone interested in seeing me on Fanfiction, my account is named LeafaLynx.


I will be finishing Cat Wars and The Four Kingdoms (though probably slowly), and I have a new book coming soon.


After I finish The Four Kingdoms (which will be soon) I will write a new book. I will either write another original story or a Warrior cats fanfiction involving my OCs in my original clan, RoseClan. I want the people of Wattpad to decide which I write so please let me know!


            Warriors fanfic! All the way! =D