'Sup,my cat died yesterday so I don't know when I'll update but I really need some time cuz he was like my baby yk? It feel like I lost a part of myself and I have no motivation to do anything, anyway take care of yourselves
@TicciTobysBed Bonsoir, Je vous souhaite bon courage dans ce moment difficile, prenez soin de vous malgré cette perte ( même si cela semble facile à dire ). J e vous souhaite le meilleur dans votre vie. J'espère que votre chat a une belle vie ou bonne vie avant de mourir.
I understand your pain. And it’s okay to not have motivation it’s actually normal when you lost a baby… don’t worry! And if you want we can talk I’m open to you :) maybe if you think about something else it will pass , also when my cat died too my mom and dad told me that he is now with all of my family in heaven :) and it has help me a lot to think about that :) and you should do a plush of your cat just like he is still here in your arms and in your heart