
Hey everyone! This is Ticcy-Reader! So, I’m not proud of the work I’ve made on here. Not in the slighest. I’ve also made a few ignorant comments because I was still slightly ignorant when making this account. Some of the things I’ve written/ commented are just downright cringey. So, I’m basically abandoning this account. I’m not proud, so I’m going to create a new account to become more focused on better writing projects. I had a great time though! And I thank you for any support that I’ve been given on these fics. Have fun, love you all! Ticcy Out! For the final time. Have a great life, everyone! ❤️


Hey everyone! This is Ticcy-Reader! So, I’m not proud of the work I’ve made on here. Not in the slighest. I’ve also made a few ignorant comments because I was still slightly ignorant when making this account. Some of the things I’ve written/ commented are just downright cringey. So, I’m basically abandoning this account. I’m not proud, so I’m going to create a new account to become more focused on better writing projects. I had a great time though! And I thank you for any support that I’ve been given on these fics. Have fun, love you all! Ticcy Out! For the final time. Have a great life, everyone! ❤️


this message may be offensive
Hello everyone. I know school is starting back for a lot of you guys, so I wanted to write a quick post. Life might be hard, schoolwork could suck ass, and bullies are awful. But, I wanted to tell all of you this. Please watch out for yourself. Don’t commit suicide, and try to find something healthier than self-harm. I understand if you can’t, but at least be careful and at least consider other things. Good luck with the new school year, and be safe in the minefield we like to call the earth.


You seem like a nice person. Here, have a cookie and a nice day.


Here, have more lol
            Now you need to have a super good day


@_-Herophobic-_, why thank you, I needed that cookie


Hey y’all. So I was texting a friend and I came up with a Sanders Sides Heather’s (musical) headcannon, with Deceit as JD and Thomas as Veronica. I know it’s a bit crazy, but just read this whole thing out.
          P.S.- He = Thomas in this situation 
          He’s the target of hate and difficult choices, was surrounded by Deceit’s love, (an obviously disturbing intrusive thought), And is forced to ignore/kill/hurt his other emotions/sides, because of the fake love and deception of Deceit (an obvious comparison to Veronica and J.D’s relationship.


Hello everyone. I don’t know if you got my post from yesterday, but I would like to say something to add onto what I said yesterday. Today is a very special month for the LGBTQ+ community, because this is the fiftieth anniversary of  when the stonewall riots were first started. It is the fiftieth anniversary of when gays, transgenders, lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, genderfluid, and non-binary people began to fight for our rights. How amazing is that? That we are alive fifty years from when people began to have a voice. So I ask of you, please take some extra time to celebrate the sacrifice of those protesters this month. Love, peace, and equality to all! ️‍ ️‍ ️‍️‍️‍️‍‍❤️‍‍‍❤️‍‍‍‍‍‍❤️ ♥️   ❣️


P.S.- I deeply apologize if I did not mention your sexuality/ gender identity.