
That awkward moment when you have your screamo music playing but forgot to plug in your headphones and everyone is just staring at you.... lol so I'm going on a very long car trip so I will work on my book on my main account for you guy's and hopefully I'll have that posted as early as this summer.
          	p.s bex I did my part of the bio
          	Until next time buttercups 
          	-kat ✌


yes, yes I did. Okay I was thinking about chocolate at the time. -kat


@Tiedye_Bubbles girl did you really just call them buttercups? @frxtvred gosh


That awkward moment when you have your screamo music playing but forgot to plug in your headphones and everyone is just staring at you.... lol so I'm going on a very long car trip so I will work on my book on my main account for you guy's and hopefully I'll have that posted as early as this summer.
          p.s bex I did my part of the bio
          Until next time buttercups 
          -kat ✌


yes, yes I did. Okay I was thinking about chocolate at the time. -kat


@Tiedye_Bubbles girl did you really just call them buttercups? @frxtvred gosh


Hey this is Bex from my main acc, just letting y'all weirdos know that we do switch to our other acc's quite often, so if we don't answer things then its prob cuz we're on our own accounts.
          Kasnije aligator (Croatian)


My list of phobias (I dunno, I was bored)
          • Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.
          • Astraphobia or Astrapophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning.(Ceraunophobia, Keraunophobia)
          • Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotten or ignored.
          • Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself.
          • Atychiphobia- Fear of failure.
          • Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns.
          (I forgot what it was called but I'm a lil afraid of the of ghosts and jizz- Don't judge.)
          Plus Kat and her sister are possessed anywayyyy... 
          And yeah, these are the only ones that I can remember soooo.... Later I guess????
          Okey, byyye.
          ~Fo shizzels me nizzels~


It's very hawt outside and I'm very, very sun burnt... so im gonna work on some stories for you guy's... and text bex and yell at her since she WASN'T at school today and left me all by my lonesome self... 
          Soooooooo until next time




          Okay so rough day.
          I feel like there's an elephant sitting on my chest as I lay on a bed made out of broken glass. (Deep, I know but oh gods it hurts)
          Just one of those depression filled existential crisis days.
          Fun, right?
          Yeah. Fun. (Sarcasm, noted)
          Well if you need me I'll be sitting in the corner cuddling Tigger (my cat- don't judge) reading The Death Cure (Ergh why must I torture myself with this book? I've read it to many times to count but the Newt feels get me every time I pass over the cursed page of 250).
          Later my Wattpadian matey's, and I shall see you on the flipside. 
          (P. S. Kat, if you can see this--I dunno if she's on right now or what-- but HIIIIIII and I shall be back tomorrow so see you then)
          With lots of love (And fo shizzels) i must say peace out, to all of you nizzels.
          See what i did there? Hah. The Snoop side of me just couldn't resist....
          -Bex ✌(Secretly Snoop Dogg/Lion)