
I apologize to all The Nerds readers if my sudden outburst last week caused to story to be removed. I was really upset finding out my story was stolen. I was only doing the right thing.
          	Anyway, I am actually a fan of One Direction as well. I have always rooted for Harry Styles, because he is soooo handsome and imo has the most beautiful voice among the boys.
          	I sincerely liked the idea of  turning Lawless into a One Direction's fic. Too bad @joshkittles got into my bad side. 
          	Well, to make up for the loss of The Nerd, I consider writing a new 1D fic. But its still a plan.  Maybe I'll manage it next month or so. But I seriously want to start a career here in Wattpad. It seems fun:)


@TiffanyEfny great!! Lawless nya dilanjutin juga ya kak :)


@TiffanyEfny it sounds great! Finally, the real writer has come haha


ditulis oleh admin @ TiffanyEfny  semoga ada ide dan waktu luang juga bikin ff hinata atau ino di sini :)
          	  Oya makasih udah folback, jangan lupa lawless nya ya mba :))


Halo kak! Um.. Apa kakak orang yang sama dengan shiorinsan penulis 'lawless'? Kalau iya, tetep bersemangat buat berkarya ya, kak! Aku tunggu chapter selanjutnya! Eh iya, setelah sibuk ngestalk and nyari-nyari info, aku baru tau kalo lawless ada yg ngeplagiatin. Meskipun kejadiannya udah lama banget, tetep aja kaget. Tapi, jangan kapok ya, kak! Biasa, cerita bagus. Pasti banyak yg iri. Oke deh, tetep semangat, kak! Semoga harimu bahagia setelah membaca pesanku #boleh follback nggak?


Kak yang sabar ya:''v aku juga kaget kalo ternyata the nerd itu hasil copast cerita kaka. Apalagi ini aslinya ff dari anime Naruto. soalnya aku juga NarutoLovers, jadi aku ada perasaan gk terima gitu kalo ceritanya di copast. tapi aku maklumi dia kok. 


I apologize to all The Nerds readers if my sudden outburst last week caused to story to be removed. I was really upset finding out my story was stolen. I was only doing the right thing.
          Anyway, I am actually a fan of One Direction as well. I have always rooted for Harry Styles, because he is soooo handsome and imo has the most beautiful voice among the boys.
          I sincerely liked the idea of  turning Lawless into a One Direction's fic. Too bad @joshkittles got into my bad side. 
          Well, to make up for the loss of The Nerd, I consider writing a new 1D fic. But its still a plan.  Maybe I'll manage it next month or so. But I seriously want to start a career here in Wattpad. It seems fun:)


@TiffanyEfny great!! Lawless nya dilanjutin juga ya kak :)


@TiffanyEfny it sounds great! Finally, the real writer has come haha


ditulis oleh admin @ TiffanyEfny  semoga ada ide dan waktu luang juga bikin ff hinata atau ino di sini :)
            Oya makasih udah folback, jangan lupa lawless nya ya mba :))


kak, follback? ;)
          Turut berduka atas di-copasnya Lawless, yah.
          Awalnya, sih, emang udah punya feeling kalo The Nerd itu hasil copas tapi, bisa aja pemikiran aku salah dan aku malah ngedukung The Nerd.
          Eh, taunya hasil copas. Dan bener-bener jiplak. Astaga.
          Maaf ya, malah jadi curhat. Wkwk.
          Soalnya aku gak suka sama orang yang nyuri hasil karya orang lain.
          Thanks sebelumnya! :)


@babyalien93 iya, aku awalnya jg kaget kok waktu mau baca ceritanya gak ada. Setelah buka akunnya, trnyata banyak orang yang bilang kalo the nerd tuh hasil copas. Parahnya lagi, joshkittles nya ngomong gak sopan banget. Duh.


@babyalien93 ih kok aku baru tahu ya kalau the nerd itu ceritanya plagiat, pantesan pas aku mau baca gaada @TiffanyEfny aku turut berduka cita juga


@TiffanyEfny aku udah pernah klarifikasi kok sama readers-nya. Sebagian dari mereka masih ada aja yg minta The Nerd utk dilanjut (walaupun mereka tau itu hasil copas)